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Despite what you may believe, the last queen of Egypt wasn't born in Egypt. As best as Historians can tell, Cleopatra VII (that's her formal name) was Greek. She was a descendant of Alexander the Great's Macedonian general Ptolemy.

Did you know one photo can take up to 30 mins warm up for and then can take up to 5 to 10 mins to capture.  Following this is the editing time if photos need it. Before that is the hours of practice needed to create a pose (some of these poses took 9 years to learn). Then there is the finding of the environment and what is needed, finding the right light, saving money for equipment and also programs on computers to create and edit content. Personally there is also my education to be a trainer and the trainers I pay to train with when I can and the equipment needed to learn my skills too.

One photo or post then requires you to caption it, post it and return comments on it.  This is never 1 sec or 10 sec thing.

One video that maybe 3 mins could take up to an hour to create and have ready for the site. The world of instant can be so misleading.

I wish we could see more BTS. Let us remember BTS are the sum total of a life leading up to this very moment or post and that doesn't just include the taking and making of it but also the living as well.

Some days just to create the movement practices here for you all it can look like a day of nearly 8hrs of movement. 

I personally need to train for my skills

Then I need to  warm up and cool down for the videos I create.

I need to do these yoga and workout and dance videos

I need to do some poses that are captured over and over again and warm up specifically for them and cool down for them not to get injured.

I work and train clients on top of this.

I have to run my house and do my personal life as well with family.

As you can see it can be a lot.

Can you imagine moving and training for 8 hrs. I can tell you on these days I am exhausted and after this I still am left with editing and posting etc.

The reality is never seen.  It is always a story in our heads we see.  So let's cheer each other on and remember people always do more than we see and everything that we see always takes so much work and effort.  Nothing is done in a split second - done and dusted. It is all the sum total of micro shifts over the years.

This post alone has taken me 30mins to write and proof and will still probably need another proof after.

That is why truly everything is a lifestyle and nothing can be accomplished without making it apart of our lifestyle and why 30 day programs are just not the keys or answers as people suggest they are.

Let us say you learn a language or you get fit or learn a skill in 30 days.  If you do not use that skill you lose it so therefore you have to relearn.  That means that it isn't 30 days. Because you either have to keep using the skills daily or you have to relearn it that takes a minimum of 30 days. So everything is the sum total of our choices done daily. We start by motivation to learn, we build good habits, the habits pick us up when when our motivation runs out. Our consistency gives us the results with the habits and the habits then become micro-shifts into new different growing habits and the cycle repeats as we grow, learn and evolve.

So anyone doing something you desire is because they have made it a lifestyle.

Here's to the lifestyle makers and movers you are amazing.
Blessings Rhy xo



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