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Main production

Hi everyone, here is this month's production update. 

We’ve been bogged down with the framework aspects of the next production so the animation is still in the works and won’t be posted until May. If all goes to plan we’ll be able to post more animations in quicker succession though and I’ll explain our production approach.

Now, to our favorite topic of the day… AI. So, how’s your AI journey coming along? Have you used it at all? And in which way? Or are you in the AGI doomer camp?

Personally, the more I learn about it and work with it, the more I’m fascinated and certain it will reinvent every aspect of modern entertainment including 3dx. I think we’ve come up with a good approach to make good use of it for production purposes though.

Speaking of which, here’s a recap of the Cerene AI series:

  • EP 1 Cerene test generations
  • EP 2 Cerene clothed and naked
  • EP 3 Cerene poses with a consistent look
  • EP 4 Cerene dick girl version flaccid/ hard
  • EP 5 Cerene sex
  • EP 6 Cerene some sort of animation

EP04 Cerene dick girl version flaccid/ hard

This was difficult. The plan was to create Loras, a more advanced version of textual inversion to generate the dick girl version of Cerene. The general results of generating Cerene as a girl minus the dick were noticeably better, however trying to generate the dick always ended in nightmare fuel. The issue is that the base model doesn’t have any reference material of the caliber of dicks I’m trying to create, so I have to train it almost from scratch, which apparently requires a lot more trial and error. So I had to resort to plan b - inpainting. Inpainting always works for me and the results are good in my opinion, but it takes a lot of time. On the plus side, you have a lot more control over the outcome, which is handy since there’s not going to be a control net for big dicks anytime soon, I don’t think :P

I was trying for a more medieval theme and in the golden girl image (where she’s holding the oversized butt plug) there’s a spark of that. With Cerene by the pool, I just saw her in that nice dick pic pose, amongst 100s of generations and went with it. I think it turned out great. She’s a little annoyed though, that you interrupted her little morning fap routine.

In the next episode, we’re popping AI Cerene’s cherry. This is going to be hella fun! I have no doubt she’ll make us all proud. And it’s good to see that most wanted to see a visual novel version. I think that’s a good choice :)



Raven T' Soni

My feelings are mixed. Has the AI softened the features? Or maybe the definition is very inferior. I have a strange feeling that I can't explain. I have a preference for the original face, this one is quite different.

Chris McIntyre

She is starting to get too hippy for my taste. Everything else is great.


> We’ve been bogged down with the framework aspects of the next production so the animation is still in the works and won’t be posted until May. Someone hold miro's, Fosters. > If all goes to plan we’ll be able to post more animations in quicker succession though and I’ll explain our production approach. At this point, one animation per year would be an incredible increase in production rate. > Now, to our favorite topic of the day… AI. So ... yet more outsourcing of miro's creations to "not miro" made by "not an actual artist" ...? What was the purpose of this patreon again?


What a shocker :)). March to middle of April just became May. Classic Affect3d/Miro. Hope you find a fix for it soon, but I can already see the May production report mention late June-July :D. I think I've asked this before, but when you say "next production" do you mean Bloodlust Lanessa or the "production level" animations that are not part of Bloodlust Lanessa? If it's not about Bloodlust Lanessa can we get some sort of an update on that? A third of ANOTHER year is already gone. This after the year of not even producing sets, which followed the year of constantly saying "out by Christmas". At least find some integrity and respect for the people paying your bills and stop calling these "Production updates". Just call then "Fucking around with AI on other people's money updates" or something. 90% of these posts are about that. Though she still looks a little too much like she came from a Korean MMO, Cerene is looking pretty good. so congrats to the people who wrote the algorithms. I really like her with a pony tail and the gold ornaments are pretty great. The dick is ok i guess, but you've only shown us hard. Flaccid is basically the same length, the same width, just pointing slightly to the right.


That's Tara's Korean MMO head on Cerene's Korean MMO body ...?


AI doesn't look like Cerene. Get out of the AI cloud and make Cerene the way she should be, not this half anime unhuman doll look

Futa Lord

Seems like Miro's working on this AI stuff instead of Bloodlust tbh...

generic genetics

Just as a gut reaction, quite disappointed that things are being pushed back yet again, but not really surprised, would have been nicer to see at least a little of something from the main production to tide us over and not feel quite as bad. A screen shot, a voice sample, heck even an intro music sample, it feels like so many small things could be such big wins to keep naysayers placated and most people happy, its strange that we don't see anything. Kind of feels like the main production posts have turned into AI monthly posts, which considering they aren't part of the main animation production other than a prospective prequal shouldn't they have their own slot as a monthly release? I was sure stuff about picture sets (when they were coming out) were removed from monthly production posts because people were complaining about them, and considering wip tier patrons only get these updates which are supposed to be about the main animation it kind of feels like they are paying for "it'll be next month, anyway.... AI" Sorry if this comes off super negative, but this is just what came to mind upon seeing the post. Anyway onto something more positive, regarding the AI Cerene, she's looking pretty good. Setting she is in looks good, the costume on the partially clothed one looks great, love the look of the golden bangles, lighting is pretty consistent and her body looks great. Though I will ask, and this is super boring, are there any concerns over holding copyright over the images, as far as I know AI generated art can't hold one as it's not made by a real persons and I don't think the prompter counts, not to mention any copyright that may be infringed by the AI as it samples other work to make generated images.

David Vega

I have been on the founders tier for a long time now but it looks like I am finally signing out. This Patreon is going nowhere and I am done paying money for 0 return. I did not sign up for lazy AI bs and I'm sure many others can agree. I will be seeing myself out, good luck in future projects Miro and team.


Cerene looks better as a female rather than futanari (I know it's your main thing)


Are we not gonna get the 3rd Episode of bloodlust?


I'll go over that soon, but I think it'll turn out great more outsourcing? no, actually AI allows you to bring out your style a lot more accurately without limitations of 3D, but 3D and AI make the best companions imo


well this is a stylized version, the 3D version will still be predominantly used obviously, but I will infuse some ai enhancements over time, like texture and shape improvements... and nah, I really like the ai version as well, so def not going away, but will prob see a lot of changes still


everything we're working on is main production focussed now, including the ai stuff and yes as soon as I post the animation I will explain our approach, but I need to explain by example well I like the look of Korean MMOs, so yeah some influence there, but I could never play black desert because of the grind... fucking around with AI?? if you haven't realised yet, that AI is the future, I don't know what to tell you... I'd be worried about any artist who isn't exploring AI


production isn't pushed back, just the animation for a bit to polish things up more there's no concern about copyright, all my ai generations are heavily transformative, a lot of post and a lot personal training... there are ongoing court cases with the model developers, but whatever the outcome we'd just adopt the new laws... but it won't affect the tech, the tech is here to stay ultimately it's still the same quest to carve out your own style, just different tools


same amount of work in developing your style in AI, just a lot more potential down the road, but we're not moving away from 3D at all, AI is just a great companion to 3D, as we'll see soon I think... but in the meantime if you don't like results so far, then I can't blame you for unsubbing, take another look in the future though


yeah, the dick girl version needs a bit of tweaking, but as a first attempt I think she's doing great already


Magic 8 Ball says: "Answer hazy, ask the AI again later."


That doesn't really answer my question. Is this fabled delayed animation actually part of Bloodlust Lanessa or just a rando animation at production levels? > but I need to explain by example I think we've gone so far without actual examples of your work you could explain without examples. We're used to it by now. > fucking around with AI?? Yes, I stand by that. It has nothing todo with AI being a great tool and has everything to do with you making a 465 word long post called Production Update that has only 48 words about the production, and it's another unclear delay. Another nothing post. It has everything to do with the actual content of this patreon being on a steady decline for years with no prospect of actually getting better, never mind any chance of recouping the lost years. It has everything to do with you using double speak and changing the goals of this thing every time you fail to actually deliver something people actually want. No matter how great AI will be in the future right now, for your patreon, for you personally, it's a joke. You haven't even had your own sets in almost a full year. Have you no real sense of shame? How did you even wake up after giving an estimate of Christmas 2021 and failing so miserably? It's April 2023. Are you the literal Skinner meme "I'm right, it's the kids who are always wrong"? This is what "fucking around" means.



Chris McIntyre

All I care about (in this regard) is the quality - which seems to be staying at the highest, relative level. You are charging us per layout/video. Not a yearly subscription. So the frequency of your releases does not seem to allow for us grounds to legitimately complain about, imo.


First it's blender holding everything up, now A.I. It's like building a house, getting the foundation & Frame up, looks better than all the other houses ever made, but then saying, I should have used a different hammer.... let's start over... Let's do the same thing, but with my new hammer. I just need I need to re-learn how to operate it, then we will start going places. Oh look a new drill! Tear it down !


Called the toolbox fallacy. though I don't think that is the problem or reason at all for any of this.


all the ai work is production work, it's functional part of the next release and will help a great deal, but more importantly I really like the results, they're great and will get better as I learn more, but you're free to disagree of course I would feel shame if I thought the quality was sub par, but I don't you've seen a fair bit of ai work me from me lately, but most of the upcoming work is 3D, if that's what you're worried about... I'm not going to go over it now, but I will in my production update in May


yes, admittedly I do get distracted easily by new toys, but I do think that ai is actually useful and so is blender, the next production is predominantly blender with some ai


What exactly do you mean by "next production". Bloodlust Lanessa Part 1 which was supposed to be in Maya or Part 2 which you said was going to be Blender? Are you throwing out your work in Maya from the last almost 5 years?


Does this mean you are using AI stuff for Bloodlust Lanessa Part 1? If so does that mean scrapping the work you've already (supposedly) done this past 5 years? That was supposed to be done in Maya with part 2 in Blender. Is that still so? I like these AI images, they're fun even though they don't really look like your characters, but can you understand why people see this as an insult when you provide nothing on the 3d stuff in post called Production Update? Does it register with you that after 5 years people mostly don't care about what new toy you are using? This patreon has not even provided the sets you were using as a cop out for the last year or so. Do you understand that or are you just playing dumb?


As the other mentioned I was also hoping for some more Information or some images or videos from bloodcrown. For AI. Cerene's body looks really good in my opinion. Her tits are just perfect, but I still prefere her in her 3d form. For me you don't need to work on her futa version. Iam only looking for her as a girl😉 Since iam enjoying your animations the most is there anything possible for this with AI. Or is it only working for renders?

Mindaugas Rokas

Hello, Miro I hope you are doing alright. All the best in your work to bring a new Cerene film to life. I was hoping maybe you could still add a Reverse Blowjob animation scene from this perspective if you can: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16T_F-AtQoJqZN-RhKfDDHg1qV9m6hkMS/view?usp=sharing Thank you for your hard work in creating new content. Regards


Hi Miro, I like this version of Cerene. Hope you can bring her to life.