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Hi everyone, today we have a new mini image set. The original image (inluded in the zip) was created by Steven Carson but we've expanded on the first image, changing the lighting, poses and general feel to the scene. 

Hope you like it.




The more Cerene and Sayako got a collab with other Artists the least we saw Sophia. (With or without collab) Soon she will vanish with Blood Crown.


Cute, would be nicer if we got some shots showing off her pussy and asshole as well. Have to say this month has been almost the nadir of content from you people. 2 posts with art by other artists, 1 post with AI art, and now a pretty generic handful of images mostly in the style of another artist.


For being miro's Patreon there's not much miro content like at all (last one where the big man himself obviously put some work on was the Rejuvenation image set back in January 12th 😶 ) . If I wanted to support Steven Carson I would go to his Patreon and leave some money there. Must be nice receiving all that cash on the back of other creators be it here or with the shop without lifting a finger. Now I know why people on the Internet call Affect3D the Valve of porn the only difference being that Half Life 3 will actually release at one point (see Half Life Alyx ending for reference). Let's face it people Bloodcrown is never ever coming out and whether you find it inappropriate/rude or not I really don't care anymore and will call this Patreon what it is a giant SCAM period 😡 . I've honestly had it with you miro and I'm a founders tier supporter from the very start. Read through most of your answers to all the highly critical comments on the big Bloodcrown update back in November again and yeah you really showed your ugly face there. An overall defensive, narcissistic, pathetic human being lacking any empathy (I never heard you say "I'm sorry" even once) without the slightest bit of insight on the huge screwup regarding the main release he has to account for because "I can get lazy" 🙄 . My crystal ball even says that this awesome teased production animation with Middle Ages setting featuring your characters will have a runtime of no more than 1 minute while also being delayed into May because reasons and not looking anything special in the end after all 😮‍💨 .

David Vega

starting to get tired of dickgirls just standing around doing nothing, would be nice to get some actual sex.


Absolutely respect your right to comment as you did, but I do wonder why you and others who have made similar (though perhaps not so brutal) comments stick around and pay every month. Do you actually pay your 5 bucks or whatever just so you can roast Miro?


I wonder if miro is starting to get ... a little desperate. A3D has had 12 discount sales events since Valentine's Day only 6 weeks ago. This is not normal. https://affect3d.com/tag/sale/


There's a few of us Founder levels around. We came from the forums of A3D. We were promised a lot of things there. Yet it's getting lack luster. Yes we're getting some cool stuff. However it's still packing from the types of stuff that we're promised from the forums. A few of us have been around long enough to remember when A3D was a review site as well.


That’s fine. I’m Founder level too. I get why folks are upset with the quantity/quality/ BC delays, etc. that’s pretty clear. What’s not so clear is why people stick around just to complain.