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As mentioned in my last post we’re finalizing a first production animation. This should be ready at the end of this month or the first half of April. Once that’s done we’ll take a closer look together and I can explain the approach going forward in detail.

In the meantime, progress on the AI front has been good.

Here’s an overview of the series that I’ve planned:

  • EP 1 Cerene test generations
  • EP 2 Cerene clothed and naked
  • EP 3 Cerene poses with a consistent look
  • EP 4 Cerene dick girl version flaccid/ hard
  • EP 5 Cerene sex
  • EP 6 Cerene dialogue animation

At the end of this series or as early as EP5 it will be determined whether the project is feasible or not, but with every episode so far it’s looking more like it.

So let’s dive in with today’s episode

EP03 Cerene poses with a consistent look

So far the tests have been somewhat random, but this time round I had a more nuanced goal in mind. What we know so far of Cerene’s origin, is that she’s a healthy 500 years old. The events of blood lust happen around 1400-1500, which places pre-vampire Cerene at around the year 900-1000. So for this post, I set out to imagine Cerene in her early years as the daughter of a merchant (upper middle class for the time). We’ll get into the story further down the track.

The things I went out to accomplish were the following: capture the essence of Cerene, place her in a medieval setting, set up various poses, and maintain a consistent look and style throughout. This also included wrestling with common issues like hands, feet, and huge boobs, but I think I’ve worked out a good approach. Check out the 3 samples and let me know in the comments below.

In terms of style, I went for a semi-realistic painterly style somewhere between 2D and 3D. I don’t need her to look exactly like the 3D version since it’s more of a comic-style representation of her. You’ll note minor differences in style and detail for each of the versions, but while I’ve worked out a way to transfer outfits exactly I wanted to showcase the range of variance to be expected instead.

So anyway what comes next will make or break the visual novel idea. Cerene Ai is due to equip her cock. I don’t have a good idea of how to even do this, but I guess we’re about to find out.

Let me know in the poll your thoughts on which version of Cerene to go with and whether to do a comic or visual novel. I will do a nude version of the Cerene that gets selected.

Poll options (multi choice):

Let us know what you think in the poll below (you can select several). 



I would prefer that you focus on Bloodlust but if you must know a visual novel with animated scene would be better than a comics, if you don't plan to animate it than I am not interested in either of the option


Not digging the AI Cerenes. They don't give off that cold, haughty, yet hot Charlize Theron vibe. Actually, the bottom one with the eye placement is actually giving off a more Anya Taylor-Joy vibe to me. Could be some potential there as another character.


Because this is Cerene pre-vampire, I don't mind the style. In fact, the red dress is smoking HOT. I see the innocence and haughtiness combined, which is a great job ... by plugging in keywords into AI. /rant As a friend of some artists who live and die by their art, I despise AI art in all its forms. Copyrighted art was plugged into the AI generators that create AI art... without any of their permissions. Many, many artists are now struggling to exist in this AI world. I'm saddened to see Miro+Team choosing this direction. /end_rant Like others, I'm confused about the future and direction of Bloodcrown. I really don't mind side projects from other artists, but this is NOT work of an artist. It's just AI-generated. I hope significant effort is still being put into Bloodcrown. :(


AI images from text prompts by non artists, can be fun. AI images instead of 3D/CG art from some of the best CG artists on the web (I even like a lot of the guest artists who get to play with Miros assets) seems pointless. None of the AI Cerene's look like Cerene. They look like a stranger playing with an Instagram filter.


It's like going to the restaurant of your favourite chef, and he now decides to serve his patrons TV dinners. 😝


I don't think it's a rant. It's a very good point that needs to be repeated. It's incredibly scummy. These pictures are based on the work of other people. Maybe some would be ok with this, but it's still low to be offering this content in a payed patreon. And remember this is not just some small artist playing around. Miro is/was a big force behind 3dx, he's making thousands from this patreon, he's getting something like 30% off everything other artists sell through his site, all while barely delivering anything in the last few years. It boggles he's so nonchalant about this.


I suspect the reason why the Cerene White option is currently winning in the poll is simply because the white dress comes closest to the Virgin Killer Sweater™ ideal (except with a long skirt and NO PANTY LINES VISIBLE under the sheer fabric). Red = Blood = Vampire White = Pure = Virginal/Innocent Black = Evil = Villain


well there's 2D animation, which I think is quite good, not as good as 3DX but workable... having said the animation side of things is covered by our 3DX work


once I put it together in a cohesive story it'll come together, but first I have sort out the dick girl version and sex scenes...


I'm mostly excited about the tech, to me it's obvious that if you don't pick up the tech you will be left behind without a shadow of a doubt, this stuff is revolutionary on a whole other level as an artist myself I'm obviously not interested in stealing from others, as I understand it the AI learns the art styles like an artist would from studying art, it doesn't store the art itself... but either way my goal is to use my characters, style and composition in my unique way.... anyone can create individual images, but imo, bringing it together in a heavily transformed way to tell a story requires artistry.. and I would be the first to buy commercial models put out by artists to profit from their craft, I think that's where things may be heading and it may seem like I'm neglecting 3DX over it, but it's the complete opposite I think it's the perfect companion to 3DX, but I'm making some necessary adjustments that'll go into a lot of detail over in the next couple of months and will explain my response to AI... as soon as the details are sorted, I'll post about here


yep, there's a bit of that going on in the color scheme def check out the original sized images though, before making decisions here, the details make a big differences


Hey Miro, Thanks for replying! I'm not saying there's a solution to the AI-generated art problem. The cat is out of the bag, and there's literally no way to put it back in. And literally everyone is using it. Literally. Like, literally? Literally. :P But like others have mentioned... it's hard to consider paying for something that's AI-generated? I mean if it's hot enough, like that red dress (whew!) maybe people will heh. I remain a huge fan of your original content and again, don't mind you playing with alternatives. You're an artist, I get that. Please keep in mind that we all are here because of your *original* content, that got us hooked. :)


Can you share this Lora model?

Cool Zero

When is the animation coming out?


Honestly, what is needed is something that’s as good as G4E both dlcs and Royal Descent, I think none of this images compare to that Cerene, and the releasing is overdue

Futa Lord

Y'know, why not just train Lorcas directly on your 3D models? Then it'll do like super accurate recreations.


hello you use what like ia please ?