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Hey guys, a few weeks ago we did a collab with the talented Squarepeg. We sent them over Sayako to have some fun with and boy did they! 

Like the recent collab with Zoh, we're hoping to create more in this series once we get the 3D model back. 

Hope you enjoy




No zip file ...?


The fluid sim in 03 needs help. For a smaller futa who shoots in shorter orgasmic bursts, it's fine ... but for Sayako is just feels wrong. I say this because we've SEEN Sayako paint Tara (and herself) in white jism, and Sayako's orgasmic contractions tend to be long duration (multiple seconds per "shot") and with a deep capacity. Sayako tends to shoot long "ropes" of cum (and plenty of them!) rather than any kind of "beads on a string" sort of thing like we're being shown here. It just feels ... out of character ... for Sayako to have her cumshot(s) modeled this way. But if that weren't bad enough ... where is that cum shot squirting out of (and in what direction)? If Sayako is balls deep inside the girl in front of her (and all indications are that she is), then Sayako ought to be squirting cum deep inside of her, producing a noticeable belly bulge ... but that's NOT what we're seeing. Instead, we've got what looks like a hole drilled through the top of Sayako's erection squirting cum UP (outside) right in front of Sayako from what can only be the root of her penis. She's not cumming out the tip inside the girl, she's cumming out the root outside the girl. Either that or Sayako's penis length has been SHRUNK from 15 inches down to just 2(!) ... there's no shaft, just stick the glans on her crotch like an oversized clitoris and call it a day. Taken in isolation, the fluid sim for the cum is actually pretty decent and somewhat impressive. Taken in context in the image it is in ... it is completely misplaced ... literally. It feels like a copy/paste job on the order of "pin the tail on the donkey('s head)" level of effort. Lighting and skin color/textures have already been complained at, so I won't belabor those points.


I really like this. Sayako is amazing! I wish there was another chapter in G4E.


Oh dear. What's wrong with their skin!? They look like they're made out of dirty stone or something. Is that intended as an aesthetic choice to make them look like statues?


https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6377470 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6377472 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6377476 Hmmm. Posted 14 July 2022 on rule34 ... {checks today's posting date}


https://slushe.com/galleries/aaaand-twiiiins-126503.html Hmmm. Posted 11 July 2022 on slushie ... {checks today's posting date}


I believe it's an aesthetic choice by Square. A lot of his work over the last year, if not longer has this sorta style, becoming more pronounced with time.


Yeah it's ridiculous they have no shame at this point and don't seem to care at all 🙄 . Miro's and Marie's total absence in the comment section for months is proof enough for me 😕 .


We need more Sayako in our life... If we don't see her from you, do more collabs PLS


The positions and bodies look great, but why are the twins so grey? Very strange texture overall.


As we said, this collab dates back to a few weeks ago. We are waiting for the 3D model to create some more of our own. James


We post weekly content. Again, if you are dissatisfied with our content, then that's unfortunate but not much we can do as we have been posting regularly. As mentioned, we are waiting for the 3Dmodel from squarepeg. When we get it we will create more. As for Marie and Miro both are hard at work on BC. And Miro has been replying to comments. Whenever you see a comment without a signature, that's him. James


James. Please. 5 weeks ago does not equate to "a few" in most people's minds. Try "several" instead and you'll be closer to the mark. What is galling in this instance is that it *feels like* these images were posted FOR FREE elsewhere (slushie) but then sat on for a month (plus a week) before posting them here only for paid subscribers, meaning the patreon supporters PAID FOR LATE ACCESS to an otherwise "free" item. Usually, you want to set up a subscription to grant early access to items that become free later ... rather than set up a subscription to grant late access to items that were free before, but you have to pay for now (late). If you don't see how that kind of ... service delivery ... could upset your customer base and make them question their PAID motivation to invest in loyalty to your brand ... well ... I don't think I can help you (and if I tried, you would probably resent it). Message sent. Awaiting reply.


I can excuse miro and Marie being absent if they're busy (projects, life, etc.). In point of fact, I would prefer them to be absent if they're really digging into an overdue project (does miro have any of those?) and getting some good progress done. If that's the case, then by all means, do not distract them with obligations to post here on patreon. The problem occurs when there are doubts about their absence ... because the absence has lasted too long. And James, you really ought to get your own Patreon account and stop posting using miro's login. I mean, c'mon ... seriously.




Yeah not sure how this is passing quality control.


This is a very interesting stage of a zombie plague!


I've forwarded your comment to Marie - she will get back to you when she can. As for why I am the one answering a lot of comments - it's part of my job. I work for Affect3D as explained previously. James


We post all our collabs with artists. As explained, as soon as we have the model from Squarepeg, we will expand on this ourselves. James


It's another's work in their style. Yet QC that some omegalol stuff.


I think, like others who are subscribed to this patreon.. this update, whether you might like it or not, is highly disappointing. We expect better and actual *Miro* content/ are highly anticipating the Blood Crown update. This [continues to] feels like a big letdown. :/


100% agreed with you on this. I have rised a question regarding this with miro before, this reinforced the issues of overdued expension of the boodust crown title


No matter how good Bloodcrown (and we're still only talking about Part 1 mind you) will be in the end it will not live up to 4 or maybe 5 years (still doubtful this is going to arrive in 2022) of built up expectations😔 . Things really need to work out better for part 2 for real this time (as I mentioned in earlier posts this isn't the first time this has happened if you followed affect3d's past releases) if miro and team want to get back that lost trust from many let down Patrons.


It's been a looooong couple of months. Nothing new that even a little bit resembles what we became fans of. I am here for hope at this point. Hope our support gets the ball rolling again & one day we have a release event announcement.