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  • AA25 - V3.mp4



Hey guys, we've got another test animation for you. This was actually our first test with ITAlessio  and was done a while back. They wanted to test out a scene with two third party characters and we liked the idea (it was also before we had ported over any of our characters to Blender). We played around a little with the lighting and some morphs but that's it. Appart from that, it's all the animator's work. 

So please bear in mind this is an early test Blender animation for us. And any feedback is welcome. 




Double dick? Thought that idea lost its way until now. There is still hope for Sophia/Cerene to gain her second dick from Lanessa's magic or Lanessa got extra from Cerene's. Two dick should be separated not enter the same hole. It could be but upper dick to vag and lower dick to the ass would be less stretch vag to distort. And that upper dick would be a waste. try to use blondie's mouth or boobs to enjoy it. I think you should name or tell where they are from. Knowing nothing about them could be hard to into it.


This animation is so well done that I have only one negative criticism for it. The belly bulge during vaginal penetration is animated incorrectly. It doesn't look like the penis is "sliding into" the abdomen from the pubic mound region. Instead, it looks like the bulge is being produced by pushing forwards (all at once) from the spine. The result is that the bulge is moving at right angles to the ostensible penetration. The bulge doesn't "slide into place" during each piston stroke of the penis ... instead it just "pops out" all at once in synchrony with the humping and pumping movement. Beautiful work with the double erection and the double penetration (aside from the belly bulge being "off"). Makes me want to see more ...


Wow! Awesome!


thanks IBT, I'll let the animator know - especially the part about the "ostensible penetration" - James


I love it!!! Great work and I’m looking forward to the final works


I absolutely love the two cock scenario, the girl getting fucked is amazing, I just wish that the girl with the two cocks didn't look like the hulk.


Hi, thanks for the compliment. This is the final render as it is a test animation. James


That is how Clarice and Lisa exist. So it's time to make up what are their name and backstory. (If you would like to)


Nyl's models always look good. You guys should check out Rigid3d's as well until you get more of Miro's ported.


Lovely work!


what movie is this from??


Double dick would be something nice to see in Miro's stuff I guess. I know you mentioned this was done a long time ago, but I got to say: this is the PEAK experience of the Affect3d - Miro patreon. Absolutely NOTHING in that video is Miro's in any way shape or form :D. Can't wait for the moment when these posts will just be links to other people's patreons :D.


whats the movie called that the clip is from??


Every single clip has been some amateur sfm artist and while the image sets a are good, there's like 12 images spread out over two months, and none of then are Miro. Also, absolutely zero work has been done on Bloodlust based in the undeniably identical "preview". Miro could have quit like a year ago and none of us would know. 🤣


Can’t wait for James to post this month’s bloodlust ‘update’ and then start to argue that stuff we’ve seen 3 years ago is ‘new’.


these animation tests are so patreons get an insight into the animation tests we're conducting for the blender team, the range is going to be substantial


Fair enough, and I think most people have understood this. But it's almost the only content from this patreon. This and years old videos that you keep claiming are 'new'.


The issue isn't the jank animations, it's that we've seen nothing from Miro(who's patreon this is) in 37 years and we can't get a squeek of information about Bloodlust. All we know about Bloodlust is what we can infer and it looks an awful lot like we aren't seeing it for 2 or 3 years. Just say that. "Hey guys, unfortunately with some internal struggles we've had to delay Bloodlust. I know we said something about 70% completion but our estimate was wrong. We're aiming for 2025 and we plan to release previews more often so we can have some discussion on the direction of the project." Right now we have no idea if people are busting their ass on it or if it's just a dead project.
