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There’s a lot of projects currently being worked on by various members of the team, but we didn’t receive many WIP drafts this past week so there’s not too many specifics to report on.

Blender General -- Progress with the rigs and animations continued as expected. Miro intends to start working with Cerene’s rig soon.

Blender Animation AA03 - We did receive a new draft for this solo clip we mentioned last week, and have already sent back notes. If the suggested additions are implemented well, then this clip will only need a little polishing from miro before it’s ready for release.

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation -- Sending to render today!

Flying High Image Set -- Flying Part 8 is scheduled for completion in about a week.

Fan Service -- We may opt to keep this one in Daz after all, just because the time frame on wrapping Flying High and having the Fan Service assets Blender-ready are on such different schedules. We’ll keep you posted.



Will lanessa get a trailer and when can it be expected in that case?


When the girls get ported to Blender can we get an animated measurement page for them? with a walk/idle animation?

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I wouldn't hold my breath for this, as great as it would be. Some of us (or maybe it's just me anymore) are still waiting for some good lineup images or just one. Preferably in Maya if you read this miro.;)


Yeah, definitely will have a trailer for Bloodlust: Lanessa. We usually release a teaser 1 month before release date, and trailer 2-3 weeks before release date. Miro set the tentative release date for Christmas, so trailer in early December if production stays on schedule. -Marie


"animated measurement page" Are you referring to the character sheets we do before the release of the big productions with the character's measurements? We are working on a walk cycle animation for Cerene right now, so I can make sure miro doesn't miss your comment so he can consider it as a backdrop option. I'm not sure if idle animations are in the works, or walk cycles for the other girls. We did do a line up image with the Bloodlust girls (Cerene, Lanessa, and Sophia) a while ago. Link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23242122 - Marie


So many projects, so many teams, so little content (...for now) :)). Can't wait for your characters in Blender. Will you do a side by side with DAZ and Maya like you did when you went to DAZ? What has delayed Flying High so much? Part 7 had about 13 pics and came 1.5 months after part 6. I thought there was a separate team working on the DAZ stuff. Or is it Miro having to give the final approval? Do you guys have an estimation for the render time for the 1000 patron animation? For Fan Service pls keep it in whatever you think will result in faster delivery. Content round here has been extra sparse for some months now and I think a lot of people were excited about seeing a version of Sayako in anything more than a WIP. We were once talking about releasing parts of different sets one after another, now we barely get a consistent content post once per month. Thanks for the info!


There is other people making the images with his approval, doesn't mean they always work out for any number of reasons, idk whom is doing part 8 though.


I assume that Cerene's model is done by starting rigging. Maybe it's time for comparing pic both Maya, Daz and Blender. Her model may change after porting.


Don't forget that Part 7 featured cum, which is handled by a whole other artist (Nothing3D) which is a whole extra layer of coordination and availability of artist time.


How about we finish what's on the plate first instead of adding more to someone who a month ago said verbatim "I have too much work"


Yeah Marie, nothing crazy elaborate. If walk animations are already being worked on that cool enough. 👌

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

@Marie Forgive me. I may have run a tad far in assuming Ryu was asking once ALL the girls are ported. That will happen at some point, correct? So, I was thinking full roster, not just BL girls.