Ava’s Anal Interrogation (Animation) (Patreon)
As promised, here’s the first animation to be completed by the Blender team. We’re not sure exactly what happened before now for things to get to this point, but if we had to guess some words were said, things got heated, and the clothes just had to come off. Let’s just hope HR doesn’t find out. This video selfie isn't likely to get leaked, right?
As we explained in the comments of yesterday's text post, we've dubbed each of these girls with a similar but alternate name. We'll be referring to these two as Ava and Lisa.
And now for the credits!
- Lookdev: MethodMad (Slushe | Twitter | Patreon)
- Animation: Spoks (Twitter | Patreon)
- Render: miro (Slushe)
- Coordination: JamesMcKenzie (Slushe | Twitter | Patreon)
As always, feedback is welcome. 🙂