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We’re once again exploring the range of Sayako’s closet and hopefully you’ll be excited by what she’s picked out. If you need a closer look, click the download links at the bottom of the post to grab the full size images.

Miro notes that he attempted to recreate Sayako’s original G4E hair in Daz, but couldn’t find an asset that looked the same or good enough. This is the closest he could get without a custom job.

Something to know before you vote on your favorite: the top 2 from this poll will go against the top 2 from the last.

And as always, if you have any thoughts or feedback, we welcome your comments.

Options 1, 2, and 3

Options 4 and 5



Andrew Rowe

Nothing wrong with 4, but Sayako should have dark/punk hair and leather/vinyl really accentuates her curves!


Out of curiosity, does Patreon allow for non-plurality voting methods, like approval? I.e., allow multiple choices? I think you'd get a better representation of support that way (ditto for electing politicians, for that matter, but that's rather outside this purview...).


My only real feedback is that every version from this poll will lose to the other just because the tits are out and they're enormous to the point of being cartoonish. That's literally all people are voting on. I think what would be more fair is if you conducted the outfit and hairstyle poll searately like you've done before. The models will still end up looking ridiculous but at least they'll have somewhat of a personality and character rather than just 'big tits, big dick, no clothes!'


4 and pantyhose


This is not a criticism as I like the outfit, albeit maybe not for the setting, but all I can think of with Image 3 is the Stupid Sexy Flanders bit from the Simpsons. Don't know why that popped into my head. I like 1 and 3. It sorta resembles the outfit Sayako wore in G4E opening. Obviously that was a bit more revealing than here but it's nice nonetheless. However, I think for a rock concert, 2 is very nice. The outfit and boots combo work well. Perhaps the addition of a goth/punk style fish nets for stockings might work well also. If we are going to experiment with a dress and no bottom as shown in three of these examples, it would be nice to see some cock sock attire to compliment what they are wearing. Maybe it won't work but might be a nice idea to at least cover up the dong and not let it go full nelson. She is in public after all :D


SERIOUSLY!! How can people NOT like outfit 3?? You see her cock all the time, so have a bit of tease with a HUGE bulge in very shiny spandex HOTPANTS!


Alternative 4 is the one that stands the most out for me in this poll. The only reason I voted for it is because the dress material/colour is absolutely gorgeous. You can see every crease and fold in the material and that adds realism to it. The dress in alternative 1 is too dark too be able to see this easilly. I think alot of people agree when I say that we need to rough up alternative 4. Her hair looks way to "classy" for this kind of venue. She looks like a proper lady. Darker hair would help alot with trying to get it too look more punk-y, and we should really try to find a good solution for the penis. I still very much am on board with the penis-straps from last time or something similar.


DAMN! Did Sayako’s breast get bigger or has she been using a waist trainer? Or both??!!


Really picking 1 more for the hair style than the clothes

Reckless .

outfit 5 but old school punk hair style


Best Hair: 1 Best Clothes: 2 Best Shoes: 2 Best Runner Up: 4 Long hair, let alone blonde hair(!) does not suit Sayako. Blonde hair pushes her too far into the "cheerleader" type of girl aspect. Therefore, even though the hairstyle and highlight is different from past presentations, the 1 hairstyle is absolutely superior to all other options offered here. Depending on the desired atmosphere of the concert, either 2 or 4 are my picks for best costuming options. 2 is better for more of a metal/grunge band type of concert. 4 is better for a more "classy" and/or "respectful" type of concert (think idol singers). To be honest, the 1 option is closest to Sayako's original hairstyle, "little black dress" and shoulder jacket from G4E. Options 3 and 5 look like something that belongs in a gym club setting (can I be a … member…?), rather than at a concert. So while both of these costumes are GOOD, I honestly think they would serve better for a different setting and context, including something as simple as having Sayako out jogging in a public park. The 3 and 5 options have more of an "athletic" feel to them than a concert going feel. For this reason I'm of the opinion these costumes should be saved for another set, rather than being used in the Fan Service set. That then leaves 1, 2 and 4 … which thankfully all have skirts. I agree with Chrissy that between 1 and 4 I would prefer option 4 simply because the purple color allows you to see the detail in the dress, while option 1 is simply too dark to be able to see much of anything. However, I also agree that options 1 and 4 do indeed look too refined/classy for the type of concert venue (and performance) I'm assuming is going to be going on here in this set. So while I do prefer option 4 over option 1 (while wanting to keep option 1 hair for option 4's costuming), I still have a clash of "feel" between the costume and the context of the location and event. Also, the arms and shoulders of 1 and 4 look like a kind of open square net mesh with leaves on the mesh to break up the mesh patterning. Keeping both elements (mesh and leaves) the same color does neither any particular favors, since they just blend together into a kind of purple mush. At first, I was convinced I was looking at a really bad tattoo job until I zoomed in on the images. However, what would work really well for this leaves on mesh costume part would be if the square mesh were a different color from the accent leaves placed on top of it. So a (metallic) silver or gold square mesh with (metallic) purple leaves on it would look a lot better, I'm thinking, than what we're seeing here. However, again, such a look winds up being "too high class" for a rave concert type of setting. Which leaves option 2. As far as I'm concerned, swap the hair with option 1 and you have the perfect "fit" for the concert setting in option 2. The asymmetric shirt (shoulder to elbow right, shoulder less to wrist left) being both black and a little bit baggy (in ALL the right places!) is simply marvelous. The black skirt and black combat boots just go together really REALLY well in the context of a rave concert. Best of all, the skirt allows Sayako to "go commando" underneath with no one realizing she's got more between her legs than they might otherwise assume until the inevitable Reveal Of Excitement. And the whole costume looks both practical enough to be somewhat realistic, while also giving obvious ideas as to how to remove it when it comes time for Sayako to start stripping off what she's wearing. As an extra bonus, you can even put a design or logo on the front of the shirt to match the band iconography, denoting the degree of her fandom for the band. So all things considered … option 2 is the best option for the venue, and all you have to do is give her the option 1 hair and you're good to go.


2 with her original hair


Am I the only one that wants to see her bulge tear through some spandex when she's getting excited?


I really love the shirt from outfit 2, and the hair. But I agree 4 is pretty amazeballs.


it'll never happen, but yes, that would. be incredible.


Ah, another vote instead of content. Classic.


I like the color too, the black hair works well with this outfit as well yeah she's going to run into all sorts of problem trying to hide that dick under that dress :P


Well people are wrong. Skip the polls, do the spandex and call it a day.


7 years for us is 1 year in Affect3d time. These polls are actually just a few hours apart.


I'd be insulted if I wasn't used to it. It's so strange to watch the patreon turn into a relative wasteland compared to when Miro used to be more active. The whole "founder tier" thing is just a wedge to force a set number of people to stick around for the bread crumbs, lest they get stuck paying $10 as a non-founder. I just wish there were some real content on a consistent basis. 12-18 month long lead times on 10 second animations don't make any sense when guys like Nyl, Generalbutch, and Rigid3D can pump out pristine minutes long content every few months. If the attention is on the longform content, the least they could do is tease it more with WIPs. What are we paying for? The right to vote in polls for sets and animations that are basically vaporware? I get that the illusion of choice keeps us commoners busy, but after a while it gets old hat. I could use some cheese for all this whine.


There was a decent discussion about how frustrating this release cycle is but everyone immediately forgets when there's a new poll. A poll for content we've been voting on for like 3 months now.


All I gotta say is thanks Miro for even taking the time to ask around, some people don't even do that. It's so hard to please a lot of people. I will say, introducing new things to the audience that they didn't know about could be rewarding. Like self suck in g4e. Didn't knew I liked that, now that's one of my favorite scenes. I love your work, keep it up man.

beef supreme

the short dress options are amazing. 4 for sure tho...great stuff


tbh I liked the last round of outfits much more than these :(


it’s like i’m not even looking at the original sayako anymore lol


I agree with pretty much the majority in regards to #1's Hair being the best, and how it could go with multiple clothes on that list. In particular going with #2 and #4 extremely well. #1 feels like a throwback to the dress she wore in G4E which is always a pleasure to see :)