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As promised, today we're taking a look at the contents of Sayako's virtual closet. Miro has prepared 6 different looks for you to review and vote on. Which one would you like to see Sayako wear to Anette's concert? Vote for your favorite, and if you have any suggestions, or an idea for a different outfit combo (e.g. the top from X and the bottom from Y), let us know in the comments

FYI, if you need to get a closer look, we've attached the full size images of the outfits below. Patreon compresses the embedded images a fair bit so if they look small, just click the download links.






See this is the only thing that ties me up. Sayako should keep her iconic hair from the first animations you gave her. All your characters seem to have the same hairstyle, Sayako should keep that factor being the original dickgirl we all came for. Literally ;) Edit: Including her sophisticated outfit style she had initially. Maybe not the same one, but of the same caliber in that level of class.


I strongly agree with this and I really hope they make her keep the og hair.

Just some Fish

Option 3's pants are gorgeous. Maybe a strappier top though. Less show, more tease.

Amp Lexus

3 is best pants, but give her more of a T-shirt that keeps the underboob. Also, the heels and hair color from 2.


5. gives you lots of options to show that huge dick in various stages of erection.


Why not try short skirt+dick in pantyhose or special dickstocking


Please, for the love of all that is holy, if an option with a bulge is chosen, PLEASE KEEP THE BULGE. A dickgirl casually strapping her gigantic dick to her leg is the pinnacle dickgirl art.

The RadishGod

When will we get the blonde girl back(nonfuta!)? Its been so long I forgot her name!


There are no Sayako's original clothes? Just curious how her new look in her usual clothes. To make like her usual concept of not so confident and Japanese girl, No1 would be the most fit but not have her dick hang around. Skirt always have magic to cover long dick even lace dress in G4F could cover it or at least put her dick in stocking. Beside from outfit choice, I obviously need her iconic purple-highlight hair back. But it had to be change (which is not this post purpose) then No.5 to remain purple theme or return to straight black of No1.


I personally feel 2 and 3 are the best. The rest don't do anything for me. There is nothing wrong with the outfit choices in the other images as I do like the variety but my issue with them is that the dick is out in the open in those shots. 4 is hard to see but 2 and 3 really show off the bulge well and give more to in image set in terms of build up. You can have the bulge shorter and over the course of 8-10 images, it gets bigger during the foreplay that leads to the pants coming off and it popping out surprising the person who made it hard in the first place. Whilst I understand the dick straps and they look great, again, the dick is already out so it leaves little room for a good build up other than looking great.

Case Green

Why do I get the feeling, no matter what we think, Miro will do what he wants? Such asinkibng feekib


So I guess these preview pics answer my questions about having an erection scene in this set. Again it seems we are getting the 'exciting' big and pointing down to big and pointing up action. Outstanding choice. If that is the case, is it a stylistic choice or are you somehow limited by your DAZ models? If it is a stylistic choice why not have some variety? All sets have had this way of doing things and people have been asking for a proper dick rise/erection scene since the original G4E. You bothered to do one for Tristan of all people... Having a full length dick pointing down should be an intermediary phase or a phase between positions, not the starting size. Have to say that the pictures (the downloaded ones) seem somewhat blurry. It's an issue I almost always see in your DAZ stuff. They are also a little too dark to see some details as where those for Anette. Since Anette seems to be wearing some form of pants (judging by the last poll on the subject) I'd say you should give Sayako a dress or skirt of some kind to have some contrast, but if you're going with the dangling big dick it would just look like shit imo. The whole idea behind having such revealing clothes imo is to look like a regular girl and only tease a little. In my head she should be able to hide in a crowd of normal girls, but that's just me. The tops all look really nice with the exception of 3 which would work far better on a smaller chest and 5 which I can't really see the details of because there are too many shadows and blur. The pants all look great, but I'm not a fan of stuffing them with that full length sausage all the time. The skirts are really good and I really like number 6 if you would tone down the flaccid dick. It would be great to have a semi-transparent skirt that shows off a hint of what's to come. Even though this is not canon Sayako for her hair I would like something short like 1. The shoes all look nice, except for 6, but I'm not sure what kind of music she's a fan of to make any real judgement of that.

michael whipps

#3 is perfecto,maybe a couple of ripped holes in the pants? Give it that slight goth appearance that would be more goth - like if she keeps the OG hair from Bestfriends4ever.


Great idea with the pants and the progressive growth. It could work really well integrated into the story and actually have some build up. Agree 100% about the straps. It would look sexy for a couple of pics, but then there would just be a dick tied to a leg. No interesting build up or Anette wondering what she's gonna get when she unwraps her present. But who are we kidding Miro, or whoever is doing the actual work, will probably do the same banal huge dick pointing down to huge dick pointing up move :)).


Honestly I can't vote for any of these, because each one I want to vote for has weird things that DQ it. The designs feel frustratingly like throwing darts at a dartboard that's Sayako's body, rather than having a baseline of Sayako that we're working from and building on it. I think 1 fits the concept best, but I can't vote for it, since I can't know if the concept is supposed to have her walking around with her schlong already at 18 inches flopping out of her skirt, with no room for a reveal or growth. I like her hair in 1 as well. Others have strange, outlandish hairstyles that practically make Sayako a completely different character, but I'd like the costume. I'd like to vote for 3 but that hair is just awful. Overlaps way too much with Arielle from LOTT. So 5 is the next best bet, but again, the schlong just flopping out at full mast is strange and takes away a huge element of the fun of having a DG character. I think you need to establish a baseline at least in terms of hairstyle before running these, because I can't vote on hairstyle and outfit at once when I like one but not the other. It's honestly quite frustrating at this stage of the game. Anyway, holding a gun to my head 5 would be my vote. Keeps Sayako somewhat in the realm of familiarity and still gives her a punk look as a variation for the set. Good stuff. I'd really hope at least we get to see some growth/bulge involved though.

Glen Ponder

The good thing about this taking a bit longer is that i forget how beautiful she is and can fall in love with her over and over each time:)


I feel like one of the skirt outfit should have smaller top showing side boobz to keep it fair


So my short answer is 5.. my long answer is, Hair style from 1... hair color from 5.. outfit top from 3.. outfit bottom from 5.. shoes from 2/4


I really love the concept on #5 pants: using straps to not let her dick randomly bump into people in the crowd (or smth like that...). It may look a bit better if the dick was still in her pants while still being strapped. I think the top from #5 is not my favorite compared to the others, and I really love the pants from #3 in general. Shoes from 2 and 4 is my favorite. Pants from #3 has a nice pattern design and gives us room for a progressive erection scenes, and that is something we really need to see! I want to see the strapping-down-dick concept in some kind of way though... What if Sayako is so excited to watch her favorite band (and singer) and just can't get her erection under control.


I like the skirt from 1 with the top from 5. I think she would be stunning!


I like #6 because it’s colorful and very revealing


huh? I just did one for the laying bj scene in flying high... miniscule dick to slightly bigger dick there's a chromatic aberration filter on the images, that blurs them slightly will try another round of outfit combinations based on feedback, maybe also the original if I can find close enough assets


you want a bit of variety in round 1 will try incorporate some of the feedback if there's consensus I'll try add growth scene, the thing is... I'm just not sure if we have agreement on what flaccid means xD


Love 1 because stockings are always amazing 😍

Case Green

which outfit? the one that shows her cock


Boobie out= most votes Cock out= 2nd most votes Most aesthetically coherent outfit= 3rd most votes Cock out round 2= 4th most votes Democracy is terrible system and I am reminded of it every time a vote happens.


I would like an outfit that consist of the top from number 3 and the pants from number 5😋


Sayako is the fan, right? Dressed up for a night out, a concert. If so, I think 6 is about right, or maybe 5, which is what I voted for. 6 is more schoolgirl, while 5 is a self-confident dickgirl with a sense of style -- just the sort of babe that a pop star would be attracted to. There are a million 6s in the crowd, but 5 would really stand out.


5's top with 6's skirt would be amazing and are we going to see different hair styles for this comic?


Either 1 or 6 and keep them as they are, or bottom from 5 with different top and hair color.


I feel sorry for her balls in those tight pants....Squish! But Jean bulges Rule!, I would have voted for Number 5 if her dick was in the pants instead of outside it.


The ones with pants need a bulge for her nuts too ;D


Upskirt>>>>>>>>PANTS CLEARLY!!!!!!!!! Can't understand why people feel otherwise 😪😪😪😪


Hair 1 (short is better than long) Top 2 (You Wish) Bottoms 1 (skirt and fishnets) Shoes 1 (open toed high heels) In the context of this set, you really REALLY want to have an erection scene (since Sayako IS the original getting erect futa girl!) and you want her to "pass" as female prior to getting erect so as to have fun with giving her a "reveal" of having more between her legs than you might at first think (even though we here all KNOW she does). That then puts Sayako into the context that I've been telling you repeatedly for years now … that Sayako wears a skirt but has to go commando underneath it (because there is no set of ladies undies that can contain her Pillar of Creation). This means, for me at least, your best option is a skirt rather than pants. Pants have to be pulled all the way down to her knee before Freeing The Beast™ … and the disadvantage of pants (with bulge) is that she has to be erect the entire time, so there's no opportunity to pass as female prior to the reveal. In this context, you're better off using Option 1 as the baseline … although I would recommend LOWERING the hemline on the skirt to just (barely) below her balls so as to keep her full package futanari assets hidden until it's time for the reveal. The so-called "flaccid" state would have her just long enough to put the tip of her glans about mid-thigh at the height of her balls with the skirt BARELY covering everything. You'll want to accentuate the pleating of the skirt so as to break up the outline of Sayako's cock and balls underneath the skirt in a way that is suggestive rather than obvious. So a mid-thigh pleated skirt with Sayako wearing NOTHING underneath that is just long enough to "hide the goods" until she starts getting excited/erect would be ideal. Also, do not overlook the potential of an upskirt shot from below, with the camera between Sayako's ankles using a flash of illumination from the stage as your lighting source. That kind of "candid" voyeurism look that both reveals AND conceals in the interplay of light and shadow under Sayako's skirt could carry a lot of impact. That then opens up the possibility of Sayako … growing down … before lifting up … the front of her skirt with her erection. Needless to say, such a lifting of the front of her skirt would naturally reveal her big balls to view. Also, you ideally want Anette to be the only one on stage with the right viewing angle to be able to see Sayako's growing erection extending down past the hemline of her skirt before getting hard enough to lift her skirt in front and point right at Anette on stage … and with everyone focusing up on stage, no one around Sayako looking down to see what she's … presenting … Only meaningful change I would want to make to Option 1 would be to swap in the Option 2 top and increase the size of the You Wish lettering on the front (so it's easier to see/read). The fishnet stockings and heels of Option 1 are also my preference for best choices, simply because they offer more opportunities for striptease removal in a way that excites and promises more.


Lol in shorter words, UPSKIRT>>>>>>>>PANTS


Absolutely love the way her cock is strapped in to her leg in number 5, very nice work with all of the models.

Glenn McLintock

I chose 5 as my favorite, because I just love the straps and her hair, but I have to admit I feel sorry for her in all the poses except 1 and 6. She has a pretty big pair of balls. Where does she keep them? I do understand it might be difficult to add the ball bulge to skin tight pants without it looking like she has a load in them instead, but they must be getting absolutely crushed. 1, 5 and 6 are certainly the most brazen. Damn girl! Let it all hang out! Someone else also mentioned how the flaccid cocks have all been pretty much full length flexible erections since the first G4E. I have to admit I'd LOVE to see another erection scene like that one. Watching that monster grow in G4E is probably my all time favorite scene!


Hair: 1 Top: 5 Bottom: 2 And i would use the cock belts from 5 too, to limiting the erection. Every time Sayako opens a belt her cock can grow more. ^^

Reckless .

4 trousers and 6 top, purely thinking from a bit of reality here, she's going to concert she's unlikely to have her cock flopping a out for all to see not till she gets back stage anyway. Keep it hidden till the right time for it to burst out literally lol. And suits her personality she's not an exhibitionist like Cerene.

Case Green

Cock cage, please, please, please.🥺🥺🥺🙏💘


Gotta be 3's top for sure, 3, 4, and 6 for the bottoms. 4's top is kinda interesting too.


right, balls bulge won't work as well as dick bulge, that's my assumption at least, haven't actually tried it and we'll mostly like try an erection scene in 'Fan Service'


like one of these bdsm cock cages? how's a cock cage going to contain that package? :D


that's what I was thinking, but maybe it takes drastic measures to get her idol's attention :P


Maybe I’m just out of touch, I thought outfit 6 was the obvious choice lol

Andrew Rowe

Liked 3, but 5 is the best! Black hair, black leather, black leather cock straps.


I like 6 as well, so yeah, probably out of touch.


Yet ANOTHER reason for why choosing a skirt is a superior option for Sayako/Lanessa. Pants are a better option for ball-less futa such as Sophia and Lyvia, because then there's no need to account for the balls bulge in the crotch.


Already gave you a perfectly workable scenario for precisely that (above) miro ... and it relies on using a skirt instead of pants. It's not that difficult and becomes a good story point for the set. Resistance is futile (and all that jazz).


Given that 3 and 5 are both doing great numbers I hope we can have a runoff for this one.


I chose number 1, but I hope there will be a big ball in 2, 3, 4, and 5. Please...


Everything from #1 with #5 hair color!


My choice is 3 but with the top of 2 (also in white.) There is an opportunity to make Flaccid to erect which goes up between her breasts. Sayako might try to fold his arms to keep her cock from twisting the top. During his growing erection, it could give a snake effect that slips under the clothes. Once Sayako is fully erect, at the level of the collar of his top. Only the head would be apparent. That for the general idea. Now if we want to give a bit of the supernatural, why make some sound effects on the fabric of the pants during the erection and once the erection is complete, a tearing sound? The power of her erection tears his pants to stand up proudly. That's the fun idea :)