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Hey everyone, we’re hoping you had a good holiday weekend. We’re getting back into the swing of things this morning, and there’s a lot of stuff in motion.

As a heads up, we’re currently working on an archive Patreon post which will centralize the download links for older content in one place. If you’re a newer patron who hasn’t explored all of the content yet, you’ll soon be able to use this post to easily track down all the content available to you.

Now onto the update!

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation Winner -- We’re currently reviewing a new version of the lip sync animation. We discussed the possibility of previewing the work on this if we anticipate it taking a fair bit longer.

Circle of Love 1000 Patrons Double Penetration Animation Winner -- Camera setup is still in progress on this one.

The Seed of Rebirth Animation -- Character imports are coming along. One artist is currently rigging up the girls’ hair while we continue to troubleshoot the dick prop import issue. We talked shop a bit with Lord-Kvento who helped us resolve one problem with the vertices count, but we still need to resolve some other remaining issues. Worst case scenario we’ll attempt to use zbrush projection.

Flying High Image Set -- Flying High pt. 4 is approaching completion and we expect to have it posted soon, probably this weekend but we don’t know for sure just yet.

Fan Service Image Set -- Miro spent a bit of time with Sayako’s outfit over the weekend, and we’ll be posting it tomorrow. Miro mentions that Sayako might be channeling her vampiric alter ego (Lanessa) a bit, as she’s sporting a leather leg strap to secure the goods. 😁



I may not remember correctly but Lanessa's body was based on Sayako in BL:RD so she basically alter or past life Sayako herself. When they met, hope it will be selfcast sex not to killing of doppelganger. It also be awesome if Lanessa use her magic to Sayako growing more than 20 incher or extra big balls for flooding the stage or may be double dick on girl,


Thank you for working on an archive post. We meme on the bloodlust release date but I'm glad you guys still read comments and are willing to at least listen to us plebs.


Yes thank you for making the archive post. As I requested in pm.


An archive post is a good idea. For the Fan Service set is there any hope that Sayako will actually get an erection scene, or will it be the same from big and pointing down to big and pointing up you keep doing? Also any chance you keep Sayako's size to something 'normal'. Her original size in G4E worked perfectly with her build. The over the top sizes like in the Seed of Rebirth just take away from the sexiness in the end.


Sorry for dropping this critical post of mine in this weekly update instead of the previous one 😅 but I really quarreled with my decision over the past few days until I finally decided to just do it so this little rant can receive all the necessary attention: "While I really appreciate that you keep us regularly updated on every project 😘 (please don't ever stop doing that since it brought back soooooo much goodwill from your till this point rightfully annoyed community) I also honestly think that more than 3 years (though I expect the final release to get pushed back further into next year) is just far too long for the next main movie period (yes even with Covid still going around strong). When full AAA movie or game productions get finished in that time frame (and I think the comparisson is legitimate since you're also working in teams) things just reek of poor planning and/or creative difficulties (developement hell would be a fitting term in this case) 😡 . I hope you learned a valuable lesson with Bloodcrown Part 1 and work on improving your internal processes so Part 2 and other bigger future projects after it won't take another 3 + years until they're fully done 🧐 ." Yours sincerely JohnboyX

Andrew Rowe

Don't be shy about asking for help. There are people who can help you even if it's just a short bit. I think I've given a list before. Maybe that could ease your workload a bit. Your new yearly Patron, Andrew Rowe