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Hey everyone, we have a new version of Tara for you to check out today. Have a look!

Attached are 4 images of WIP v.02 Tara. We've also included 2 shots of her original model, so you can see how she compares. The 2 side-by-side images are comparison images for today's version and v.01 (the one you saw a couple weeks ago).

Please remember this is a work in progress, so nothing is final. With this iteration we're still focusing on the facial features, which  we want to get those just right before we move on detailing the body. If you have feedback, try to focus on the face.

Anywho, let us know what you think of v.02, and how it compares to v.01!




Lips in v.02 are better, more like the original.

Jessie Rasbitch

Love the puffy lips ❤️❤️❤️❤️

John Douglas

Any video of them licking there lips ben asking for ages


It looks good overall, and it looks like you've captured the essence of the character. The lips are great! I keep getting a bit distracted by the spots/dots/holes/cracks (I don't what to call them) on the skin. Kinda looks like she wears to much powder on her face, and it has started to crack.

Bob Fink

The changes look awesome! Very well done!


Except for the lips, the rest of Tara's face(Wip v0.02) appears to be slightly smaller than that of the original. But it looks very good. ^^

Jonathan Dang

Hmm...I like the shape and colour of the eyes of the original model more IMO. I'm not sure if it would be possible to maybe combine the two? That's also assuming that it would even look good with the whole composition that is Tara G3 Model. Also I notice in the original model, her upper eyelids have these folds, which a quite pronounced, while they're lacking in the new model. Not sure how I feel about it. Again not sure how it would jive with the current composition. Less of a Sophia feel to the composition with the v.02, which I do appreciate compared to v.01. Can't wait to see more renders and updates to Tara :)


Personally, WIP v02 lips and nose is too thick and smooth with reflect enough to know that she get plastic surgery and cheek swelling making her narrow-eyed confessed me that she is from asia instead of western. but I like how her body got plumper not too skinnny with deep navel


I prefer the lips of v.01 to what you're doing to the lips in v.02. My primary objection to the change to the lips is how far the lips ultimately project forward of the teeth inside her lips because it puffs the lips outwards from the teeth too far (in my opinion). This is because when you increase the proportional size of the lips overall, they wind up being thicker (in absolute terms) from teeth outwards to a degree that doesn't look right. So if the projection of the lips in front of the face were dialed back by a millimeter or two/few and I'm thinking her lips would look better balanced.

Xavier Hall

Look needs a bit more of a touch up but other than that it's perfect


I agree with IBT in v.02 dial back the lip projection, right now it looks like she’s got that typical over filled lip filler look.


V02 lips are to thick


I would prefer...if she keeps more of the original shape especially for the eyes. v.02 looks more like Sophia and less than Tara.


Looks good so far, but I agree with some others that the lips are a bit too full in v0.02, Especially the upper one. It's juuust on the edge of the dreaded duckface appearance from a poor lip injection. The texturing on the skin an eyebrows is weird, but I'll chaulk that to being a WIP (I hope). Plus, please keep the long hair.


shape and texture looks great to me. I just think the contrast between hair and skin color is better in the original. v0.02 skin is too red and hair too bleached for my personal taste

Mr. Phoenyxx

Love the new version! She is gorgeous!


I love the full lips. I wonder if it would be possible to give her a more distinct personality, like little lines or holes in her cheeks?

Xavier Hall

I love your work Miro hope you get the rest you need to continue your work all the love and futanari love.


Miro, I think it's great you're always trying to do new things and improve upon past work. G4E was the first work of yours that I came across. The reason why I liked Tara so much is that she seemed human. She wasn't perfect, she had very minor flaws, but that made her almost human-like. The new Tara seems less human. You lowered the distance between her eyes and lips, puffed up her lips, etc. She seems too perfect now. Call me weird but I thought the original Tara was perfection. I think that's one of the reasons why you're the best (IMO) in creating virtual women. They all have (very) minor flaws that make them seem almost human. I think making Tara almost-perfect is a mistake. But all that said, it's your project and your choice. :)


I think you may be the only person wanting this? haven't seen many if any other requests for this


Tara's original eyes are very distinct, that's an area I want to capture more of in the next update


I also don't like duckface lips, but this is still within the good range imo :) fine-tuning the skin


dimples? ... what we are working on is giving her a big sexy smile, she didn't really get to smile much in G4E


yeah, flaws add character :) ... as of right now we don't want to make her perfect, but rather capture the essence of the original with improved realism, detailing and character... still a work in progress obviously, so looking to take on bard lots of feedback


i prefer original


Now all she needs is an enormous rack that Sayako can pound away on. ;)


Count me on board with the original Tara so far. There's still something very important of hers that's being lost in this transition. Compared to the first iteration, this is definitely better, but like Tedhead said, the original Tara had some very unique imperfections that made her who she is. The original Tara already had some very full, semi pouty lips in a perfect goldilocks zone with a unique shape, tapering off ever so slightly at the corners. The new version expands that upper lip a bit too much and they lose a lot of that nuance where they meet in the middle and at the corners. The new Tara's head shape also seems like it's a bit rounded off in certain places. The original Tara's face seems like it projected outwards a bit more, especially around the mouth, but this new one seems like the front of her face has been pushed in and smoothed out. Maybe this is an attempt to normalize her somewhat angular head shape a bit, which I definitely understand on a certain level, but it seems like it's taking some of her uniqueness away. On top of those changes, the eyes, lip color, and skin color are probably still the big sticking point for me. G4E Tara has those wide, deep set looking eyes and paler looking skin that really screams "cool chick". The kinda girl that knows she could probably be a model, but why bother with the hassle when you can just chill and fuck around? 😎 The new iteration has these kinda smaller, normal looking, innocent eyes, tanned skin, and matching lip color. She loses that cool chick vibe and instead looks like she's "omg so nervous b/c she really wants your validation to pursue her lifelong dream of modelling 😯!!!!" ...which just isn't very Tara to me. :P Sorry for the nitpick, I just really think Tara is up there alongside Cerene in terms of having the most raw personality oozing off of them, just by looking at their face. I really hope the new iteration captures that as much as possible.

Space Banker

Why not share some Sayako?


Original still looks the best by a wide margin. The newest model's lip size looks a tad strange, it was obviously increased, but it also doesn't have the lipstick lineup with the actual lip at the top. Further the overly roughened pocketed skin effect is still there. The approximation is still close, but it's not exactly closer than the first try. It seems farther away to be honest.


Tara's Make up and skin color from G4E was far better but it's still a WIP. Can't wait to see her in action !


So with all of the projects you are currently working on when will we see some animation. I do understand it takes time but it would be nice to see finish products.


Yeah definitely closer to the original ! Keep on the good work dude


Tara is actually one of my fav out of all the characters. I prefer the original one. The new one since its WIP, her skin needs a more smoother less cakey makeup tone vs the original. Tone down the glossiness of her lips, and keep that soft skin look to her. Her soft features with her personality really bring out the original model. The newer model her features are very bold such as strong highlights on the eyes, winged eyeliner is very bold, eyebrows stand out to her blond hair, and the lip gloss. Its too busy is the word im looking for so everything stands out too much I think. I think if u tone it down a little bit and make it feel a little more natural she will turn out perfect!


It looks better, but still not as good as the original! You are 50% of the way there though! :)


Agree with the first paragraph. Second paragraph are the few details that actually make her look most like her original. Her original model has the same dark eyebrows, dark eyeliner. I wouldn't change those.


I think closer but not close enough, would also settle on a strong unique look and vibe with some likeness


how much longer till we get an animation?


I'll have had children..... and grandchildren....... THEN maybe we'll get a meaningful update on the progress, but the actual video, need to wait another 10 generations for that.


Hopefully you post some sayako content. She needs a little bit of attention.


Pls do a G4E and Bloodlust crossover animation


Can I ask, you cannot use models from Genesis outside of Daz and retain the full HD mesh (the subdiv) and all the rigging. Export the FBX is just the cage isn't it which is fairly low poly. Is there a way around this? I mean without doing all the skinning/rigging over again.

Mattie Ian Bishop

I love seeing Tara. I don't know what it is about her, but she has that vibe, that spirit, of an ex-lover who comes to town occasionally, and if you play your cards right over coffee...


Maybe you can do a Sayako update, that would be pretty dope. But overall good work-