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 The favorite outfit variations poll closed a few days ago, and it seems many of you liked Outfit 1 a lot. It got 261 out of 500 votes. (See picture down below.)  

Like I said in the poll post, we'll see if we can make this outfit work in a future set, but we're not going to restrict ourselves to it. We'll play with different outfit variations in upcoming image sets and animations, so we'll get to have some fun with changing up her look. :)

Now, on to the next poll! :D

Thanks to everyone who posted name suggestions in our previous update! :)

We noticed the name 'Raven' popped up in the comments a few times. We like it for this character as well, so we're including it in today's name poll! 

We're also including our own name ideas: Envie and Ava. So we have 3 names to choose from in total. 

Name Poll

  • Vote on the name that you think suits this character the most. If you like more than one, vote for every name that you like!
  • The most popular name will be the character's final name. 
  •  Voting ends on Thursday, 21 November 2019! 

Make sure to take another good hard look at the image above or check some of her other WIP images here and here while you consider which name suits her best. :)

PS: for anyone wondering about her penis - currently it's still a work in progress. We'll show it to you in a future update. :) 


John Douglas

Sorry to ask can u have a character that has not d


I could immediately tell Raven will win. She's got black hair with a black outfit........


I personally prefer they all had Dicks. That's the appeal of Miro's work! There's already so much porn that doesnt have D's.


No matter she is in G4F or BL universe, I hoped she don't has D. In G4F, she could fight Tara for Sayako's dick. While in BL, got double penetration from two vampire and triple pen when Sophia got hers one.




I know why everyone gonna chose Raven 🤣


Only 3 names made it to the poll and RAVEN is going to win??? >:(


I would say that the G4E and BL are two separate Dimensions that the Raven, Lanessa, Cerene, and Sophia have somehow become Planes Walkers with powers to travel back and forth between both at while. On top of which the poll was "Build Your own Dick Girl" meaning not one you would want to be with but maybe would not mind being yourself. Thus the whole Futa thing. There is a special Futa magic that once your touched with it the girls which now have dicks on top of vaginas can jump to any time past or present in each dimension. In a sense Sayako is another innocent like Sophia who had a run in with Cerene or one of the Lanessa's in the G4E Dimension.


I don't like any of these. There were so many creative ones that had traction, why only pick one? And arguably the most pedestrian for a gothic girl, to boot. Then two out of the three options are your own choices 😂. Geez. And then on top of that, people get to pick multiple options? Very strange polling around here.

Andrew Rowe

I picked Ava 'cause it's the name of one of my Creators. I'd be happy w/ Raven, suits her.


This entire process has been a disappointing rush towards the most basic option available.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Normal name, drag queen stripper or mega cliché? Too difficult to choose. *sigh*


Any of them are fine. I hope she gets worked into the regular repertoire -- she's a breath of fresh air from the designs we inherited from 2015. When are we going to get a look at that dick? IMHO 20" is pushing it (16" seems like the upper limit), but hey lets see how it works. Hopefully she isn't just Cerene size + length. Gotta keep those proportions up.


Is the name going to put you off faping? *Sigh*

Amp Lexus

What about Kat?


Any chance of updating the hair?


We'll post a dick update when we're ready to show it off. We'll make the most out of her 20 incher when she makes her debut in an image set, but we might play with the proportions a little bit in future sets


we asked for suggestions and only picked ones we liked... pretty straight forward, no? name is pretty important