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Cerene gets some company while she waits on Lanessa and Sophia. :)

The artist who created the guard's character design is called Nothingmore3d. Be sure to check out his artwork on Slushe!

You can find all the WIP images in the attachments. 






Really nice. The light presents cerene perfectly. Can't wait for her to get used. This is going to be epic ;)

John Douglas

Is it just me or has cerene tits got big very hot really like the images they are very good did the guards have fun with hur and when will we get sum images and scene with Tristan can not wait for blood crown to be out


First impressions. The lighting is REALLY WORKING here. The "repeating bathroom tile" effect is working against the guards because they're all identical. However if they had different hair colors, even if they're all done up in ponytails, it will help differentiate them so they aren't all identical copies of each other. The fog is actually a lot thinner than I'd been anticipating. I was thinking it was going to be "pea soup" stuff that would wind up being about ankle deep and make the pedestal Cerene is on look like it was "floating" on a cloud. However, as an atmospheric it is certainly working in these still shots and I look forward to seeing it actually MOVING.


soooo? she will do the fucking or they :)


No dick included. It's lesbian time. :) Not mention all guard are copy and paste, will they be involved to animation or just decoration/random pics. Don't know why but these guard remind me altar saber from fate series.(Japan animation)


The all-important boob-to-upper-arm-ratio is off the charts for Cerene.

John Douglas

Who has noticed that the guards is the new character


skinny legs


Is it just me, or does Cerene look kinda skinny? Her arms and legs looks so thin


It's going to be epic !!

John McCarthy

This looks like the beginning of a Inquisition ...


Give em all dongs! ;D


you better give her a series of trains, gangbang, air tight, try fucks. And a cum bath


The lighting on the central dais is pretty damn good here, hopefully it will be like this during the movie itself, maybe even a little lighter. The fog is also well used as just a background element. If this is the density in the animation I am really happy. Was afraid we were going to get something like that annoying red mist from Bloodlust Cerene. Cerene is as gorgeous as ever and between this and the new set I'm glad we're getting more of her, but I have to say she could use a little more flesh on her arms and legs :). I love the guards and their outfit. Now that I've seen it, I really want to see someone get fucked in a similar getup down the line (especially keeping the arms and legs parts on). Was it custom made or is it a purchased asset? It would be nice to see some variation in the guards and perhaps the easiest thing would be to give them different haircuts and hair colors, but you shouldn't spend too much time on this. Will the guards be there for the whole movie or will Lanessa want some privacy? I presume there is an element of increasing rendering complexity if they stay, but Lanessa trying to punish/humiliate Cerene in front of an audience would bring an extra layer of sexy. Hopefully in the future they won't just be set dressing and maybe some of them might get to service their dicked mistresses.


More guard variations and hair colors and haircuts would deffinatly bring that scene to another level.


I was not expecting guards! Also Cerene looks so different to me without her armor or cock. :D But i love her in chains... I have a thing for bondage.


With every WIP update I cant wait for full release. I'm going to optimistically say it will be a new years release, but most likely will be summer time next year lol.


I want pornographic content. It's been a while...


Now that I've got enough time to write a better response, here goes. ▪ I know that no one is thinking about this preview in story/continuity terms, but … but looking at all of those FEMALE guards lined up, I'm reminded of a throwaway line that Cerene said to Tristan all the way back in Bloodlust: Cerene. She mentioned that she she "told her men not to touch you" to Tristan. Take that mention to its logical conclusion with these WIP images and you realize that Cerene (who is DG capable, obviously, but identifies as G in her bisexual core) kept MEN as her guards. Contrast that with what we're seeing here where Lanessa (who miro has stated is DG only!) keeps WOMEN as her guards. ▪ Another thing that I'm noticing as being so much better than any of the previous WIP pics showed is the window above the throne in the 001 pic where it looks SO MUCH BETTER with that patterning done in it. This turns that window into an interesting visual feature in and of itself. ▪ The windows to the right of image in 001 look really good with the moonlight streaming in with the fog in the air showing the shafts of light. The weird thing is the last window which has that bright lattice on dark glass that just looks out of place compared to the other two side windows. I'm just wondering if the reason for the inconsistency is the due to the external configuration of the building (thereby putting that window in shadow?). ▪ Another thing I'm noticing in 001 is the pillars behind the guards, which look … odd … from a civil engineering/artistic perspective. You've basically got clustered pillars forming a larger pillar, and the whole thing is done in a "vascularized" style with what look like veins carved in relief on their surfaces. This makes me wonder if changing the styling of these pillars from looking like a collection of pencils for each pillar to instead make the pillars have the cross-section of an erect futa penis(!) which ISN'T exactly round … and then keep the vascularized relief carving the outside of the pillars. Trust me, it'll be "suggestive enough" that done right it'll be something people will pick up on subconsciously. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/Gray1155.png


Looks stunning. Any chance for a picture from the side of or behind Cerene?


yes, this is roughly how the fog will look in the final and it moves in terms of the lighting we're making sure to shine a spot light on the action :)


yes, lighting and fog are close to final for these previews armor is an asset and yeah the point was to give them an audience


oh yeah, enough of that coming this month, but first a couple things to sort out for the new char


Surely you speak heresy. There are no men in this setting and even if there were any, they would be quiet and out of sight.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I want to get something important out of the way before commenting on the images and I hope this gets an answer. Preferably a REAL one, not some corporate bs, "We'll reveal more later. Please continue to be excited." malarkey. This first part is still going to be MORE than just tit fucks and bj's correct? Really hope you're not going to pull an FFVIIR after all this waiting and that is all part 1 will contain. Since there are quite a few WIPs for this position and not much else. So right off the bat. The clones. More variety with hair color and breast sizes would go a long way. I also see bulges which gets me excited to see a DG army getting "excited" watching the action. Doubt it will happen but I want it.=P Fog looks pretty good. Need to see all three girls with the fog before passing final judgment. The lighting looks great but tone the glare down a smidge, maybe? ooks brighter than what we've seen so far. Am I wrong?


Well... female Cerene... what is there to say other than HOT HOT HOT SO GODDAMN INCREDIBLY HOT!!! Ps: The guards look cool and the lighting is on point!


yes, there's actual sex :) ... so, more than tit fuck and bjs we're trying to keep wips minimal, so we don't have to spoil anything else once the action begins, you'll pay less attention to the guards, but they'll add to the public sex vibe fog and lighting are close to final in these previews, but yeah, there will be a little less bloom


Wow she is so sexy! Keep them coming. I can't wait


One of those guards needs to pay Tristan a visit now that the lady's are busy.