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The competition for the attentions of princess Arielle is going to be fierce!  :D

Much like our cute little dragon, Cerene also has a soft spot for playmates of royal blood as we all know. Although our dragon seems to be hellbent on throwing a barbeque, Cerene prefers other methods of getting princesses to warm up to her :P 

Thought it was a great occasion for her to wear her full armor since it's been a while. Hope you like seeing her in action in these pics :)

If you haven't seen the other promos for Lady of The Tower yet, you can find them below.



Andrew Rowe

Are u animating this, Marie?


All those image previews are great, but, what about a new film animation? Its like a year ago was release the Bloodlust Cerene and I wonder what is going to be in the future.


Exactly. The animations are what I am here for and we haven't heard anything for months.


Cerene's hair is still an issue. It looks good from exactly one angle and one angle only.


Ya not gonna lie the image sets are nice, but been waiting for a AAA animation that miro is known for. Thought this patreon thing was supposed to help speed up production but it didn't lol.

John McCarthy

In the second film from the Hobbit ... it did not look like this ... and that ain't Bilbo ...


right now this patreon is for what the description says at the top, nothing more... I will say that we're working hard on production, but that's about all I can say

John Douglas

Cerene acting like yen or triss just wondering where is prince charming


Cerene looks awesome here. Can't wait to see her in action, especially her G-form ;)


The 3. picture is my new desktop background at the moment! I love it


The 3. pic is a killer. Cerene is damn hot.


Cerene i n her armor is amazing! Picture 3... wow


Nice to see Cerene back in her 'clothes'. I hope this time she keeps her shoulders and arm thingie on while she does the dirty. Also love that Arielle's getup involves panties. That was a nice detail. This set seems to hold a lot of awesome potential if done right. Have you thought about giving Cerene a little more 'armor' on her legs and arms? The contrast with the bare middle and enormous tits would be killer. Any news on when we'll get any news about the next big movie? The last Bloodlust was almost 13 months ago. I though this was the production where you were going to be more open about what's going on. Right now we're barely getting any info in the WIP updates that come maybe once a month. This was also supposed to be done in two parts to increase the pace of releases. Is that still planned? If half of this movie doesn't seem anywhere near to done 1+ years later does this mean the total gap between Bloodlust Cerene and the new movie's end will be close to 2.5-3 years? I actually want to see Sayako and Tara again before I need meds to get it up. A change of pace from this 'courtly intrigue' scenario would be a breath of fresh air. How much time is Miro spending on these sets? Is this time wasted from the big project? I hope you do understand that this lack of info makes me (and I don't think I'm alone) apprehensive about these sets and how they influence your work on what really matters to me. You don't have the greatest track record of keeping anywhere close to respecting your own estimates and this approach of going quiet and not saying much hasn't exactly helped you when you first came up with Bloodlust.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Boo. What is this? Yet another post with NO DG content.FFS! Cerene's face looks really bad in these, too. What is going on here?! *collapse*


This is non-content.


What happened to Cerene's face? Something is off.


yes... more Cerene! more!


Seem wearing clothes will become trend again. 2 Pics later : They're totally naked. Please remind me Cerene is Vampire but now she stand under sunlight now?


What Sophia will do if she find out Arielle wear same clothes to the party?


I really like pic 2 ...


I for one am excited to see Cerene starring in another feature! She looks fantastic in her armor. Remember guys, she is not a dickgirl all the time. She summons her dick when she wants to use it. ;) Love the new image set especially number 3, and love seeing her use her magic for something besides dick magic (though that will always be my favorite). Maybe her magic should be fighting off the fire with a bunch of cum-squirting dicks? HEH.


Cerene likes to stay nimble while sexing, hence the lack of leg armor :) re main production we post occasional wip updates, that's it until it's done, anything else just creates unwanted early hype... the description and tiers up top outlines all the content you get as a patreon


Cerene's face does look quite... different in that one picture. Looks like she got some collagen injections to ready herself to... slay a dragon?


Love that fact that Cerene is back :D. She is as bodacious as ever. Go my favorite Vampire!!!


Cerene looking hot AF as usual :) Will there be a chance to vote on the characters appearing in the mini sets so for example: Female / Futa Cerene or Female / Futa Lanessa etc… ? Did you guys ever think about making the upcoming Bloodlust available for preorder? So people that preorder get to download it like 1 day earlier to surpass the overloaded servers on release day. Greetings :)


Voting on characters is something we could definitely consider :) We did a similar poll last year for the Your Ass Is Mine set, will look into it for a future set


Overall great detail in the dragon. Damn thing has rubies growing on it. Cerene looks awesome. Stop knit picking the shit outta the teasers. Ive been here since the beginning of the pateron. Her hair is awesome. Body is fucking great. Let them work. Only thing I wan a see is Tristan get himself cucked haha.


I remember reading an article on affect3d.com that said they wanted 3dx to be more mainstream and accepted. That is never going to happen if the top creators cant make and meet deadlines. No ones going to accept an industry as mainstream if they cant even give an estimate of when stuff is coming out.


A lot of people have been in the community since 2011. Usually feedback is explicitly asked for.


well big projects very often have scheduling issues even those with the biggest budgets we have internal estimates of course, it's just not a good idea to share anything publicly... and in the meantime we'll make sure patreon content can stand on it's own legs


That's the girl we are waiting to see in action !