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On top of working on lighting adjustments, we recently started experimenting with fog to enhance the dark, mysterious atmosphere inside Lanessa's lair. All of this you can see in the WIP video we're posting today! :D 

I've also included some test renders we've done from the moment we began working on Lanessa's lair, so you can see the evolution of the environment up until now.  

As usual with these WIP trains, please note that the scene is still a work in progress. Let me know what you think of the current look!

Grab the zip file from the attachments and use the password to unzip.  If you're having any trouble opening the zip file, try using 7zip or Keka (for Mac). 

The password is: env31




I like the statues!

John Douglas

I just want to say am hyped very dam gd


It’s looking good, but I hope it doesn’t get so dark and foggy we can’t see the action.


Looks pretty good but please drop the fog. It seems like a cool feature at first, but it's really some wasted effort that doesn't bring that much to the scene and I'd like to see the girls in full. Also please, please make it less dark. We've already suffered through 2 Bloodlusts with that awful red tint, I think we all just want a little more normal lighting :). Pics 04-08 have the ideal lighting imo, or even the grey 21-23.


Love the music and fog, just with the female statues where futa to! :D

Andrew Rowe

Looks good Marie.

Bob Fink

I really love how this is turning out, the statues are a nice effect.


Small Windows pics 01-03, 06-07, 12-26 Large Windows pics 04-05 Small and Large Windows pics 08-11 Honestly … I like the long hall with large windows look in pics 04-05 best simply because it gives you enough light coming in through the windows to DO something with when doing moonlight with clouds scudding by on the winds so as to VARY the lighting inside the setting whenever and whyever you might need to without necessarily turning the setting TOO dark. The one thing I don't like about 04-05 is the alcove with the throne that you can see in 05 that just puts that area into a "dark hole" at the end of the colonnade and it just doesn't look good. However the rework of the throne area in 06 onwards blended with the room used in 04-05 would be the ideal. Now, an interesting opportunity presents itself here, if miro is daring enough to reach for it {hint, hint}. If you use the 04-05 room is used with the 06+ throne area, so you've got the big windows and the end of the hall away from the throne is stairs DOWN to the doors into the room … you don't necessarily have to make the windows "perfect" along the walls such that all of the glass bits are unbroken. The idea being that there could be random missing/broken pieces in those windows along the walls and there's a ground fog outside that's high enough to leak in through the lower windows but not in through the high windows, letting you have a nifty atmospheric of letting SOME fog leak into the room through the (broken) windows (bits) down low. But where would that fog "go" …? Well, the fog is going to want to flow downwards if it can, which would mean down the stairs towards the doors away from the throne and could billow outwards when the doors get opened. And just like water pouring out when the side of a bucket gets tipped lower, you could do something incredibly nifty with this. So miro could do the establishing shot in the 04-05 set with the 06+ throne area and the 04 doors where the fog "leaking" in through the windows has created a layer of fog on the floor that rises to the level of the central platform level but doesn't cover it, so it looks like the stone platform with Cerene on it is "floating in the fog" among all the pillars. When the double doors are opened wide to let Sophia and Lanessa walk in, the fog starts to "drain" towards the open doors as Sophia and Lanessa walk up the steps and as they stride towards Cerene their high heels are stepping through the fog that lowers to the stone until they're in front of Cerene with the reveal of the stone floor as they step up to the raised island Cerene is on in the middle of the room. But the entire time, the fog continues to "leak" into the room but flows over the floor towards the open doors away from the throne. I'm thinking that would be an awesome way to use all this stuff.


The photos look deadly. Nice !!


It's pretty good. #ThePortalDidNothingWrong

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I didn't care for the pink fog in RD or the BJ set animation and I don't see the point of it here. If you keep the fog away from the girls, purely background....cool. But if it's going to be a gray layering in the same vein as the pink fog, please don't. Convenient Reference..... https://postimg.cc/gallery/3dmx8ux1e/


My favorite pictures are 09 and 10. The lightning looks great in my opinion.One point: From a technical and static point of view, a support for the roof must be added. In real life i guess the roof would collapse but thank god we are in the 3dx world :-)


I'm not sure the fog is adding more than it takes away. You spent all that time creating those lovely details, the slightly worn, yet smooth grey marbled texture on the flooring, the statues on the sides, and the raised section in the middle where someone might have stood as they spoke to the throne. Then the moonlight glides in fron the windows and plays off all of those features in a really lonely, haunting way. The contrast with the harsh hell lighting in Royal Descent gives the sense that Lanessa has found her strengths beyond the flashy fire and brimstone trope of most vampires. All of that atmosphere goes out the window when you douse the entire setting in halloween fog from a smoke machine. Your environment is beautiful. Let the light play with it a little.


Atmosphere : I like that shallow fog in an video(but only the middle stand in the center upland, it could improve the focus on what they have some on that stand. Which there are heavy fog in the first place, but after they do intense sex. Sweat and heat make fog slowly disappear from evaporating. Oval window : Pic no.6 cause it is completely over the throne when moonset will shine the entirely light. Light : Would be dim like No.2 before they are heating up and moonlight shine into both of them. Window : No.6 not too small or too much detail like No.4. Statue : Well... if adding them without using then it is not that necessary. Center stand : It should have two lever as No.9. First level to make them like floating. Second level for more action.(It may have only on floor then magic occur second floor lifting them up with more position.


No idea why but I absolutely LOVE the lighting from pic 21-23 just gorgeous. Personally I feel like the fog is not really necessary I don't think it is worth the extra effort. Just my two cents tho :)


we'll show off more screen shots with chars in future updates, but actually the dark backdrop doesn't look quite as dark with char lighting but also the contrast brings out the skin tones more imo


the fog was a necessary element to add a really nice atmosphere with the actual scenes and it won't interfere with the action... basically the action areas themselves are clear of fog, is what I'm saying


we changed the fog somewhat to pour in from the sides and maintain a consistent volume, that's the easiest way to have the effect, but not get too complex to sim for individual shots that extra light from the big hall would actually be too much as there is already a good amount of char lighting, we'll post more screen shots in due course


the fog in the preview is thicker than the final, it is adding atmosphere and won't obscure the details where it counts


we have an efficient setup where it adds the necessary atmosphere but doesn't mess with the action :)