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After giving her throat muscles a thorough workout, Light Lanessa works up an appetite for a post-workout shake. Fortunately Dark Lanessa has a thick and creamy, slurpable snack packed with all-natural ingredients to replenish her energy levels. :P 

Meanwhile Arielle's hands wander away from her camera for a solo workout session, but she'll be getting company soon enough... :)

Grab the zip file from the attachments and use the password to unzip. The zip file contains parts 1, 2 and 3.

If you're having any trouble opening the zip file, try using 7zip or Keka (for Mac).

The password is: ltn03 



John Douglas

I new it soo glad I was right on the money very hot cum shot


Again fairly solid overall even with it's "issues", though it does seem LL cock has been set to hidden during creation on the last 2 parts for this, as there is no way it can be tucked away in some of these shots, last image her balls would be sagging more than enough to be visible, same in a few other angles.... As to me it makes zero sense to be hidden past saving some time on posing the cock each new shot. would still have much prefered if LL cock was there the whole time, heck can be semi hard so there wont be any real need to pose it each frame..... not to sure looked like a strange choice to have done if im correct in it being a time saver reason when it could have been posed once or twice during all the angles it will be visible :D either way, still pretty good imo

John Douglas

Hate cliffhangers lol the end is soo gd I really really wish there is sum speech bubble it wood be soo awesome specially for really good picture like this

John Douglas

Can not wait for more please add speech bubbles it wood be sooo gd


Cliffhangers are a sin!!!. Loving this set so looking forward to where it goes. However as mentioned by others, I really don't see how Light Lanessa is hiding her dong, not only in the positions she is in, but that outfit. Would like to see it at least poking out somewhere. That said, I guess her clothes are coming off in the next set so it's all a moot point going forward.


This is amazing I love the cum!

John McCarthy

I know what the last one would be ... what in the hell are you doing on the ground ???


Where'd all of that cum go when Light Lanessa found Arielle? Maybe a scene can be snuck in of both Lanessas snowballing before they find Arielle ;D Also hope to see either the Lanessas or Arielle making ahegao while being fucked! ;D


Pretty awesome overall, but seriously disappointed you are going the dick magically appears fully grown/disappears route. Seeing a bulge in DL's pants before LL was pulling them down and showing LL's stuff from low angles or an impression though her dress would have been great. Not to mention a good old cock growth scene. Since the whole Bloodlust stuff is magic, I don't really expect any of this stuff there and perhaps these are only small sets and not worth the effort, but I'm starting to think you will never want to do this, even with Sayako in a future G4E. Will you ever show bulges/growth scenes (like in G4E) or are you not interested in this stuff? I'm pretty sure a lot of people want these 'continuity' moments and not just seeing a cock appear out of nowhere :P. Gotta say though, love seeing characters in modern clothes, especially DL.


100% agree. It's funny that such a small (not really :)) ) things gets so annoying. Just a couple of changes, especially for LL and it would have made a lot of scenes far better. Do they turn into regular girls when they're on the receiving end?

Andrew Rowe

Waiting on a video, Marie. 😜😘

Sgt Parge Lenis

Amazing <3 I love the deepthroat parts and the cumshot! I´m exited to see what Arielle will get :)


Looks great, I just hope there is still room in the set for Arielle to get dicked a bunch. *I'm gonna echo the concerns about the magically disappearing/reappearing cocks. Either we learn some techniques to deal with flaccid pythons now or we are going to be in immersion break territory forever.


As mentioned by others, the only thing that could be fixed is Light Lanessa's missing member during the scenes where she's on the receiving end. Other than that, great outfits for the girls and finally some nice new bulge scenes. I can see why people will get tired of too many BJ scenes but personally I can live with them :^) And considering the cliffhanger we can assume that there'll be more than some blowing action going on. TL;DR: with some minor tweaks, this set can become the best so far in my opinion. Cheers!


Awesome set. Just wish (as always) there was dialogue and story to go with it. I love reading sexy tales!


nice job , we need more movies from your work :)


Cock continuity/object permanence with Light Lanessa. 002-003 Light Lanessa's cock should be between her legs on the carseat, obscured by the window sills on the car doors, so this is fine. 022 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. Dark Lanessa's cock ought to be VISIBLE inside her tight denim jeans … but isn't. Weirdly though, there's "pokey bump" below her waist button and to the right side of her zipper that looks like a pinky finger is trying to poke out of her abdominals for no adequately defined reason. 023 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. 025 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. 026 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. From this angle, there ought to be a suggestive change in the darkness between her thighs, even if it's just the head of her cock being glimpsed around the obscuration of her thigh. 035 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. Although Arielle's fingers holding her camera blocks the view, Light Lanessa's hanging cock ought to be "suggestively visible" to Arielle from this vantage point, even if the audience can't see it right now in this shot. 038 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. I'd argue that given what she's doing, it would be entirely in keeping with Light Lanessa to be getting increasingly erect while teasing Dark Lanessa like this. Side note, fix the crease in the back of Light Lanessa's knee here when you go back to do touch ups and edits, miro. 035 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. Being able to see it getting erect again in the shadowed space between Light Lanessa's legs thighs and Dark Lanessa's shins ought to have been done here. 054 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. Side note, fix the crease in the back of both of Light Lanessa's knees here when you go back to do touch ups and edits, miro. 055 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. I'd even argue that doing a full deep throat light this ought to cause Light Lanessa's cock to "sproing!" to even greater hardness/erection, lifting the head up to a higher angle than in the previous image(!). Because, seriously … are you expecting me to believe that a futa like Lanessa/Sayako WOULDN'T be getting turned on by deep throating her own cock THIS deeply like this? Side note, it's a lot more believable to think that Dark Lanessa's cock is sliding down Light Lanessa's throat in this position, since doing so doesn't require a right angle 90º turn to go down her throat like you've done in Royal Descent with Sophia (bad anatomy that). I do wish that the penetration angle on Dark Lanessa's cock was pivoted slightly more downwards (towards Light Lanessa's shoulders, rather than her pony tail and out the back of her skull) but it's not as bad of a break with reality/possibility as you've been doing before, miro. 056 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. Even from this angle, and even with Light Lanessa's breasts (partially!) in the way, Light Lanessa's erection ought to be at least partially visible in this shot. Side note, at least you can (finally!) see Dark Lanessa's balls inside the waist of her jeans. 060 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. Side note, fix the crease in the back of Light Lanessa's knee here when you go back to do touch ups and edits, miro. 061 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. I'd even argue that doing a full deep throat light this ought to cause Light Lanessa's cock to "sproing!" to even greater hardness/erection, lifting the head up to a higher angle than in the previous image(!). Because, seriously … are you expecting me to believe that a futa like Lanessa/Sayako WOULDN'T be getting turned on by deep throating her own cock THIS deeply like this? 062 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. I'd even argue that doing a full deep throat light this ought to cause Light Lanessa's cock to "sproing!" to even greater hardness/erection, lifting the head up to a higher angle than in the previous image(!). Because, seriously … are you expecting me to believe that a futa like Lanessa/Sayako WOULDN'T be getting turned on by deep throating her own cock THIS deeply like this? Side note, finally(!) … Dark Lanessa's balls are escaping the confines of her jeans! Although, I have to admit that Light Lanessa's mouth and especially her chin is looking quite deformed in this shot. Just how unhinged(!) is Lanessa's jaw here anyway? Might want to do something about that when you fix the crease in the back of Light Lanessa's knee here when you go back to do touch ups and edits, miro. 064-064cum If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. She doesn't have to be cumming at the same time as Dark Lanessa, but her erect cock ought to be (proudly!) visible here. 066 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be rampantly erect by now and lifting up the hem of her dress in front. She doesn't have to be cumming at the same time as Dark Lanessa, but her erect cock ought to be (proudly!) visible here. 073 If Light Lanessa's cock isn't wedged up into her dress to be held against her abdomen, then ostensibly it ought to be hanging down between her thighs below the hem of her dress. Seriously, this shouldn't be that difficult for you, miro …


Fairly sure he doesn't make these in full if at all. (that is fine) just again wish we had some quality/consistency being met :)


OMG this is so hot!


Very much agreed on the aspect of seeing the stuff through clothing and growth scenes. We've seen some growth scenes so that's clearly not an issue. I think the biggest problem is being able to see it through clothes. Or having reveal scenes where clothes fall off to reveal the goods gradually. Still wise, it manifests as sudden appearance, and in animations there's a fade to black followed by the clothes being gone. Closest is Cerene magicking her metal bra away. But we have yet to see some slight physics involvement with clothes really falling off of body parts. Might just be a technical hurdle.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

What's the point anymore, ay? Here it is anyway.... - If dicks/balls are NOT visible with such a short dress (or skirt.) or even via bulge of ANY kind. The characters are just GIRLS, not DICKGIRLS. If this is a lez set, it's decent I guess. But as futa....it's missing the mark, hard. -Doubling down on redundant images I see. *sigh* - Lanessa leaning backward over the car was too over the top and can you PLEASE, try something different than, *Orgasm*(?) throws head back, faces sky, mouth agape. You ALWAYS do that. Mix it up. - The cumshot. Best thing about this set so far. Wish you had focused more on that part. Would have preferred Lanessa with a big grin on her face while she's cumming and a shot of LL, with one eye open, looking kind of annoyed that her other eye was covered. Think I'm done with this set. I'll revisit when it's finished I guess.


It seem no one know how to wear panty. ;) I think it is good for us to use imagination on what they talk or think but Bubble text like comic like you use in Ayako would be work too. I'm sure that you forget to add Light Lenessa's dick on P.54 55 58 59 and expecially on 73.(at least some bulge is fine)


Agreed. One of the best scenes he's done so far IMO. DL's dick and boobies in these shots look sooo good!


My problem with the redundant double shot views of Arielle is that it just really breaks the pacing/flow of what you're seeing with the Lanessas. This "wrecks" any kind of buildup in intensity you might get from watching Lanessa on Lanessa action, simply because what you're looking at oscillates between risque/sexy/hot and tame/suggestive/is that all? activities happening over by Arielle. I don't have a problem with miro wanting to keep Arielle "in the scene" by cutting back to her every so often. However, turning those views of Arielle into what amount to "speedbumps" (as opposed to "lady bumps"?) in the pacing does no real good to the overall FLOW of the action unfolding between the Lanessas (which is what we're really all here to watch anyway). This flaw could be rectified by simply reordering the shots so as to not put 2 Arielle "reaction shots" in a row at a time, so as to give you the sense that she's reacting to what she's seeing in a more "real time" sort of way, rather than doing it as a sort of "oh, by the way, remember Arielle? yeah she's a voyeur playing with herself (so you don't have to?)"


is it just me or is image 10-11-47-48-58-59 missing . I have redownloaded it but they still missing. so is it just me ?


so I looked inside the rar without extracting the images. it seems like those images are just missing.


Amazing as always! But I start to fear there will not be the obvious (and needed) sex scene that come in mind for anybody watching picture 025. I mean with this kind of outfit and pony tail on Light Lanessa you can't skip doing a scene where she bend over the car and be taken from behind by Dark Lanessa right? Anyway can't wait to see what will happen to Arielle ;)


Since the challenge was put to me as to how I'd reorder the available images in a way that provides a better pacing and continuity for the visual story being told here, I figured I might as well provide my take on the notion here in case anyone else (like miro) wants to see what happens if you do a little rearranging of what we have. Opening Scene sequencing 003, 004, 005, 001, 002 Oral Sex In The Car sequencing 007, 008, 012, 009, 013, 016, 014, 015, 017 Arielle Gets Noticed sequencing 019, 018, 021, 020, 022, 023 Arielle Gets An Eyeful sequencing 024, 026, 025, 027, 029, 028, 030, 032, 031, 033, 036, 034, 035 Exhibitionist Teasing sequencing 037, 042, 038, 039, 043, 040, 041, 044 Fuck My Face sequencing 049, 045, 052, 046, 050, 051, 053, 054, 060, 056, 067 DEEP Throat sequencing 055, 061, 057, 068, 062, 063, 069 Cumshot sequencing 064, 064_cum, 065, 066 Arielle Basks In The Afterglow Too Long 070, 071, 072, 073


More errors for miro to fix: 017 … not only is Light Lanessa missing her balls, but apparently her cock is completely detached from her body at the root! Note how you can see her inner thigh under her cock in a place that indicates that cock isn't attached to her crotch. 051 … Lanessa's eye roll here is simply too excessive, since it looks like she's got her eyeball staring into the hair hanging over the corner of her eye. You want to make it look like Light Lanessa is either looking upwards (into the undersides of Dark Lanessa's breasts) or her eyes are rolling "up" into her head, instead of making it look like her eye(s) is/are pointing outwards away from her nose. Mind you, this may just be a simple trick of the light and the camera angle, but as is it looks like the eyeball has gone … weird … in this shot. 068, 070, 071, 072 … I dunno about you miro, but I'm thinking that some wetness/dripping leaking from that slit between Arielle's legs ought to be in order. It would help sell the notion that Arielle's orgasm WASN'T a "dry one" for her.


63 is one of the best ;)


They like to be ready for action without those pesky undies in the way :P but yeah, noticed everyone ended up going commando for this set. We'll find the girls some underwear to wear in a future set


looking awesome!


One of these years, we'll convince miro that autotitfucking while clothed is a Thing™ ... https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/17798579 https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/17806531


17 - shes slouched into the chair, that means balls are tucked between her legs 51 - she's getting wedged ins so it's a combo of her looking up at her lover and getting real emotional :D


I really hope she gets DP'd! 😍😍

General Cellron XD

The password isn't working for every picture in this zip file Help PS I'm using the correct password and everything 😭