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A first look at the current state of the new environment for ‘Bloodlust Lanessa’ (tbc). Time to move to a new color palette, this time blue. We’ve already done camera tests to ensure skin tones show off well.

This is Lanessa’s hangout when she has special guests over like Cerene and her new BFF Sophia. Some parts are still a work in progress, but the general look is there. What do you think? :)

You can find the full size images in the attachments.




We saw Cerene's altar-play, now we will see Lenessa's Throne-play.:p And Portal seem to be exclusive for Cerene to push Tristan out.lol


Lanessa shut the red gate?


I'm going to take what may be a somewhat unpopular opinion(s) on these preview images. There aren't enough light sources in them. Specifically, the number of places and spaces that are "well lit" enough to be able to view salaciously lustful sex acts in this environment is really limited. The entire centerline of this Great Hall rests in deep shadow in these images you're showing us. Presumably, all the action that's going to be happening here will be goin on in the centerline region of this room, which then makes for a problem when it comes to lighting up your characters (adequately) if what we're seeing is the sum total lighting for the environment. The windows appear to be filled with clouded glass. This has the benefit of removing the need to create a 3D exterior to the building (since you won't be able to see anything through the clouded glass), but it also cuts down on the amount of light you ought to be getting through those panes of glass. The result is a dimmer, more diffuse lighting setup than you would have if the glass were clearer. In a medieval fantasy context like this one, you ought to be able to get away with "clearer" yet still "lumpy" sheets of glass with bubbles in them, showing that they weren't made Too Perfectly™ when crafted by hand, but which will give you a distorted view of the outside due to the less than perfect panes of glass in the windows. The nice thing about making such an adjustment is that it paves the way for the next option… Even though the lighting scheme has a bluish tinge to it, rather than Cerene's RED motif, the feeling that I get from that lighting is that of natural (but augmented?) Moonlight as a natural lighting source. However, the clouded glass of the windows is cutting down that moonlight just a bit too much for my tastes, such that the beams of moonlight seen in the air are a bit too diffuse and dim for use as the main (only?) source of light within this Great Hall. Not only do I want to see brighter moonlight pouring in through the windows, but I also want to see slightly sharper edges on the shafts of brighter moonlight in the air, yielding a better contrast of light and shadow in the air of this space. If that is moonlight we're seeing, you may even want to "move the Moon" relative to the interior of the building so as to get the best possible shafts of moonlight angling down into the interior of the Great Hall here, so as to achieve the best lighting of the area inside the hall where all the fuck and suck action is going to be taking place. However, even then, it's quite possible that you won't have enough interior lighting going on, resulting in hard shadows and other weirdness once you start doing final renders that would need supplementary lighting. Now in Cerene's Cathedral, she had candles burning in clusters all over the place to help light up the darkness of her cathedral, and since you'll want to visually tell your audience "We're Not In Kansas Anymore" with this location, you wouldn't want to reuse all of those candles all over again if you don't have to. So I'm wondering if using wicked oil lamps (in wrought iron floor stands?), that burn with a brighter/whiter flame than a candle (so as to avoid spoiling the silvery/blue light of the moonlight), could be placed into the shadows of the pillars between the shafts of moonlight so as to brighten that side of the Great Hall somewhat. If you can do that, you can then simply duplicate those assets onto the other side of the hall to give the place a "balanced" look in terms of lamp lighting, while keeping the asymmetrical look of the moonlight shining in through the windows on only one side. Bottom line … I want the interior of this space to be brighter/better lit, but with more of a moonlight motif to the lighting than a sunlight style, so it isn't nearly all shadows. And may I remind you that last we saw in Bloodlust: Cerene, there is an utterly MASSIVE MOON in the sky the night that Tristan shows up on Cerene's doorstep, so if all of the action taking place in this location happens on that same night, you've got every excuse you need to brighten up the moonlight pouring into this interior location!


Also, a continuity note. It looks like the "skeleton stands" holding the red orbs (2 of them) on either side of the throne, appear in only half of these preview images. 2 pics have them, while 2 pics don't. For continuity purposes, please make sure that their presence (or absence) is a permanent feature of this space … assuming they don't do something like retract into the floor(!). Those RED ORBS look suspiciously similar (although obviously smaller in scale) to the Red Portal feature of Cerene's Cathedral. What could that possibly mean, I wonder?


Might also help to have some giant torches attached to the pillars. If needed, Lanessa could light them up stylishly with that fiery wave she did when she greets cerene at the end of RD... On another note: huge dicks look awesome in bluish light (tried it out with a couple of pics). Makes them look kind of steel-like. Yum!

John McCarthy

B-daddy here ... the place does'nt look like it's been lived in ...


To be fair, neither did Cerene's Cathedral ...

Bob Fink

I like the concept as it's the complete opposite of Cerene's. I'll leve my thoughts on lighting for a future post as you did say this was still a work in process.

Space Banker

Looks great. I'd personally like to see a very dark environment. An eerie place that has a lot of black and white color patterns.

Jack Pinder

Blue moonlight lit bodies doing all the nasties. I like it. Might be interesting half way through the charades to move the action into a warmer torch lit scenario. An altar or such.


First reaction is Thank God you got rid of that red background light source!

Snake Plissken

this is good, don't spend too much more time on it hehe


While I do generally agree that a red hue in these scenarios would add some warmth and excitement, I do think the blue can be done very well. For example both Bloodlusts have been mostly bathed in red and yet still lacked a lot of the sexual punch that many were looking for, it's unlikely any other color would've made a difference and the same logic applies going forward. It won't matter too much which hue is chosen if the action is really well done though I do want to add these look way too dark. Also while I wouldn't normally post a rip of somebody's work, the now defunct EveeGraphics had done a really good job with a blue light scenario in their last project: <a href="https://xhamster.com/videos/love-quality-i-m-not-your-toy-6282670" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://xhamster.com/videos/love-quality-i-m-not-your-toy-6282670</a>


Complimentary coloring. Subtle and smart Miro. Does this hint that Lanessa's personality is the opposite as well?


No more red portal, YAY! From the looks of this setting it looks like lighting will be akin to how it looked at the end of vanilla bloodlust, which while a bit dark looked way better than red EVERYTHING. If the lighting in the Lanessa wip set (that ass shot most especially) are an indicator for what the final will look like, this will look really amazing. Not too dark, not too bright, not too blue = winning formula. Quick side q's: Will the Halloween wip poll winner be just a single pic or a mini set? and if Cerene's body from the waist down, will be in the shot(s) will she be futa and if not can a variant ver be added?


Much nicer on the eyes, good direction to go in.


Totally OT but in case the whole competititive dicksize-discussion begins again, why not make the whole lanessa 5 or 6 inches shorter and a bit more skinny than the others but keep her cock the way it is (or just shorten it minimally) so that it appears to be larger while it in fact isn't?