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With every release our goal is to focus on key areas which ultimately results in one thing - sexual intensity.

 It took us two releases to manage the latest set of goals, which were:

  • Move to professional software environment - Maya / Redshift is our new and current home, the old Poser / Max / Octane setup was way too limited. Now there’s less fighting with the software tools, although Maya does crash a lot, but that’s another story...
  • Move to team based workflow - We have talented people covering every aspect of production which allows for parallel work, specialization, constant improvement and ultimately quicker releases. Admittedly I’m still too hands on with production but the workflows and talent are there so we are transitioning gradually.
  • Cut production time in half - Ok, ok, this is a work in progress, but we're making an effort to make it show with the next episode :)

We also made a lot of minor improvements both technically and artistically, but now that we’re comfortable in our new environment, it’s time to focus more on the sex again. We’ve had internal discussions about this and took in the feedback from the survey.

So here’s our priority list for Bloodlust Lanessa:

  • Sex - more intensity - Our next move here is more build-up, more intense dialogue, dirty talk during sex, more elaborate and explicit banter and interactions between characters, and a more cohesive translation of the script to the screen. Our goal is to move away from slideshow sex to a movielike experience that makes you feel more part of the scene, relate with the characters and their growing excitement and ultimately leads you to a big sign that says: ‘This is where you shoot your fucking load!’
  • Sex - more variation, less looping - This is in line with increasing sexual intensity but worth singling out. Our previous school of thought was to make the sex work with the old software setup by looping it. With this episode we’re reversing this process by focusing on the movie experience first and then making that work for the software. This should result in much better pacing and feel like you're watching a continuous scene.
  • Better cum shots - Towards the end of Royal Descent I feel like we were on the verge of some heavy hitting progress. We’re looking to capitalize on this R&D this time around.
  • Faster production releases - Let’s just say we’re constantly improving here and think we can do better this time. I’ll talk about one major aspect of this next time: the two part release.

Obviously don’t expect perfect execution from day one, but if you don’t see at least a marked improvement let us know :) This priority list is the core to future productions, so we’re not letting up till we get these features right! 

 You can grab the full size WIP images from the attachments. 




All great news. Already can't wait for the next one.


Royal Descent really suffered in the intense dialogue and dirty talk during sex departments, since it had so many minutes of Poles In Holes during which no one said anything. Heck, scene 4 had an almost 10 minute run of time in which no words were spoken at all! This reduced the "dimensions" of the sexual activity (and intensity) to being purely about tempo/piston speed and voice foley work (gasping, moaning, crying out, etc.). And while those things can be interesting to watch, for a while, it also highlights the fact that everything that is going on is happening purely on the lustful/physical axis while abandoning the seductive/mental/emotional axis of opportunities to increase sexual intensity. Now this is not a call to over correct and have the (dick)girls constantly yammering away while having sex, but it is a beg for more dialogue as a way to get a sense of/see into the mental (and, let's be honest, AROUSAL!) states of the characters we're watching "do their thing" on screen. It's a little bit of a cheat, but any time a character's mouth isn't full of cock/balls/tits/lips/tongue/otherwise engaged in doing something sexy ... and you can't see their mouth on screen because of the framing of the camera angle(s) ... that's an opportunity to insert some dialogue/dirty smut talking in a way that won't impact the animation budget of needing to synchronize with lip flap movements. You don't have to take EVERY such opportunity that comes along, creating an endless "Yakkity Yak" in your sex scenes, but at the same time you should at least avail yourself of SOME of those opportunities so as to not avoid them ALL and create a shopping list of missed chances for heightened sexual intensity. There is something to be said for leaving your audience wanting MORE ... but you shouldn't leave them wanting nothing BUT more, if you catch my drift.


When the loops get looped too many times in succession, you start getting a "bathroom tile effect" in which you become more aware of the repeating pattern itself than of the contents of that pattern or the individual elements within that repeating pattern. In that respect, I'm thinking that it's okay to reuse camera angles and loop shots, but if you're going to do so you can't be "too predictable" about it. If every single loop you've got stays on repeat 3 times … every single time … then that turns into something that's just too predictable. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 Vary that up a little bit and you can do something like this instead: 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 Same number of loops used, but the "pattern" of which loop follows in the sequence becomes chaotic, and therefore less predictable. This is merely an example of the kind of thing I'm talking about with regards to varying up your loop sequencing a bit more so the individual loops don't get stale by virtue of seeing them repeat too many times in a row.


Agreed that the cumshots (both of them!) done in scene 4 are definitely superior to all previous cumshots done anywhere else in your works. Even the cum oozing out of Sophia at the start of scene 4 was superior to previous stuff you'd done. But for my pleasure, the two cumshots that happened later in scene 4 were simply the best seen so far. <3

Snake Plissken

the voices seemed too loud, and the penetration was oddly quiet


These are some amazing news! It's good to see that you are listening to us :)


I'm actually happy to read that the team decide to go with the more intense sex/dirty talk. On Royal Descent for example, when Cerene says " I'm so hard it aches" or "Now as a treat i'm going to throatfuck you until i cum, man that was some good lines... keep it up!


Awesome perspective, I 100% agree, I love dialogue between characters ,how many times have we seen just pure sex? A million? The subtle power plays between characters really make the scene beautiful.


Good news overall... Just one thing (that was probably mentioned already): these dicks are HUGE and the reactions of those taking them has to show that somehow. Saying "you're too tight" and then going in 5 seconds later without further ado is not enough.

Eddy Hurtado

All the points you make are the things I was hoping to see improved upon. Getting all the pieces in place is not an easy formula to concoct, but addressing them head on can only make the next installment that much better. And fine tuning a well written script to match the amazing visuals will only make it that much more an intense experience for the viewer.

Space Banker

You have to be careful about the upcoming work. You hyped BL:RD and I think your figures are going to be off. The work may have sold well, but it was generally not a hit from what I can tell on the various forums.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I'm only seeing 1 wip attachment. wip_images_008ui.jpg T_T'


More dialogue is good!


ur missing the other photos


I agree. One of the things I hadn't realized until hearing about it on the commentary track for Russel Crowe's Gladiator film is that when you hit a stuntman, it isn't the attacker's strike that "sells" the hit ... it's the reaction of the person getting struck that "sells" the hit to the audience. If you tap someone and they go flying across the room, you automatically think that the strike was way more dramatic than if they just stand there (or worse, just barely flinch). It's the reaction that "sells" the action to the viewer, not the action itself, either in stunt work or in (stunt) sex work like we're dealing with here where we've got penises that are double to triple the size of normal human male dimensions. The default assumption is that if you've got a (stunt) erection of that size being inserted, it ought to produce a commensurately "huge" reaction from the person it is being inserted into. When that (huge) reaction is not present, the logical conclusion is that the insertion means LESS rather than more, even though visually you'd think it ought to be "more" than less. This is why I recommend letting the camera lasciviously linger and luxuriate over both erections and insertions, as much as your frame budget will let you get away with, because the more time you spend on those things/activities, the more "important" that they'll become in the mind(s) of your audience. At the same time, you also want to have the reactions to both erections and insertions "measure up" to the size of the rampant penis(es) involved, which in the case of miro production can be ... ample.


Learning from criticism is what makes a good artist, I can't wait to see more of your improvements ;D

Bob Fink

Sounds like you're moving in the right direction and where we all would like to see the next version to go. I look forward to seeing the new ideas put into production.


will Royal Descent ever get a patch to fix the playback issues? The video is fine but I do like the software. However at least on my PC I am only able to play anything on the 'make move' function, and I cannot chain more than maybe 2 or 3 segments together reliably. Just curious, honestly the release is pretty awesome even in spite of that so thanks.


Sound GREAT! I am happy you took the survey into account! If you guys do the stuff you just mentioned and add some better insertion scenes it will take the production to a whole new level! JUST DO IT BOIS!


Oh and before I forget it... There should be a way to turn of the music (I prefer no music and just the sex/action noises) in the client/software :D


actually audio suffered more from the software loop setup, because we also had to uncouple it from the video in order to cater for the speed variation slider, but with the remake of the software we may get rid of it to ensure audio and video sync and I think we've got a way of adding more sex talk without tricks even