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Andrea Dcosta

Your reaction to the Delena scene was perfect was waiting for u to get to this episode. That kiss was amazing and specially with the music it fitted so well. I like how damon told her that stefan saved Klaus to save himself he didn't hide that from Stefan damon is always right by Stefan no matter what.. not just Delena but the brothers again their bond means everything to me it's so special


In these moments, I always hear what Katherine told Elena in 2x22... 'It's okay to love them both.'

Tom Jordan

And so it begins Damon and Elena The both of them formed a bond over the series, Damon wanted Elena from season 1 and Elena wanted Damon around but still choosing Stefan, and while searching for Stefan, they both formed a bond, even knowing Damon's dark personality, and Damon's Dark personality is also his greatest personality, which is what Elena is wanting. so yeah there is that element there