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Heyy question how come none of your reactions for seasons 1-3 are available? I was trying to watch some but the links aren’t working


He has a post pinned on his page that has all the links to files of all the shows he's reacted to. The links on each separate post aren't working rn. :)


Thanks! Do yk how far back the post is or do I just have to scroll through and find it😭🤣


So if it's not showing up on the pinned section, (which it should, it's the whole purpose but then again, Patreon have messed up this site as of recent), I have pinned it at the top of the About Section on my Page :)

Eddie Green

I wonder if Cole would have been vanquished if Phoebe had thrown the potion. Maybe it doesn't work if it's a suicide attempt. Or maybe it needs to be willingly thrown by all three Charmed Ones. Phoebe and Cole's relationship is over but they still seem to have a connection, what with her being the one to figure out his plan. This episode is also called 'Daddy Dearest'.