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I cannot believe it...




Eddie Green

Lemmy Kilmister (that's his real, original surname) was the lead singer of Motorhead; Lars Ulrich is the drummer of Metallica. The episode 'Sam, Interrupted' was named after the movie 'Girl, Interrupted' which is what Dean's referencing here. I think what Sam maybe means by 'Amy Pond, huh? Cute name' is 'nice Doctor Who reference you're making with that alias'. Sam and Dean have rock star aliases, she maybe had sci-fi ones (although it wouldn't explain how she's had the same job for 6 years). Topical too, as this episode did indeed air at the same time as New Who Season 6b. If that's the intent, then it's another way in which she was like the brothers. There's a lot of debate in the fandom about whether Dean was wrong to kill her. I say yes (they should have at least threatened her first), but it's understandable given who he is a person who hunts 'things' and saves people as a mission (especially given how much he's lost faith following what's happened with Sam and Cas). I don't think he'd have killed a human killer in this context. It's not a question with an easy answer. Back in the pilot, Dean told Sam 'driver picks the music; shotgun shuts his cakehole.' I think Dean has too much respect for pie to have told him to shut his piehole.


I did think Lemmy was MH. I didn't want to jump the gun but knowing MH through WWE, I had a feeling. And yeah, like I said, they knew. This was during 2011, when S6 aired. Where Amy was in her second season of Who. And not just that but SPN are aware of Who with the Cybermen reference in S2.

Amye Sabin

IMO Amy did deserve to be killed. She was killing humans, bad people or not. How is that any different from vampires or demons? Yes, she was doing it to help her son, but I'm sorry, as a parent NOTHING would induce me to kill another human. I would rather let my child die. And who's to say that if he got sick again, she wouldn't go out and do the same thing? What I don't like is the lying to Sam. That feels wrong. Dean needs to come clean and explain what he did and WHY.

Alyssa Bernd

Man I couldnt wait to c yer reaction to Amy Pond!