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Amye Sabin

I really hated this finale. Many fans did. What, honestly, did we accomplish from the beginning of the season, other than Victoria being closer to the White House , Starlight in The Boys, and Queen Maeve getting her happy ending? Ryan's in the clutches of his pyschotic father (thanks Butcher), the only man who can take him is back in cold storage, Kimiko outright murdered two guys who were only trying to do their jobs - and she was gleeful about it, Victoria's next target is probably Bobby, er Bob Singer, and Butcher is dying. And don't get me started on how with minimal protection Frenchie is able to synthesize the world's most dangerous neuro toxin in TEN MINUTES! Utter bullshit. I hope Grace releases SB cause she's pissed that HL took Ryan away from her and he turns on the Boys too.