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Eddie Green

Death's line 'I know God, and you sir are no God' is most likely a reference to the well-known line 'I knew Jack Kennedy; Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine; you're no Jack Kennedy' from a senator to a presidential candidate in 1988. Which makes me wonder if Death considers God his friend.

Amye Sabin

13:38 - No, Hell doesn't need to exist because of any balance. You missed Godstiel's explanation. They need to keep Michael in Lucifer's cage and Godstiel "needs a thret to hold over my enemies". That whole scene between Godstiel & Death is amazing. One of my favorites from S7. 29:21 - The thing is, Death did NOT ward Dean about the souls. All he said was "it's about the souls." No explanation. So I don't think Death's argument holds a lot of water here. You need to watch the beginning recap of each season, otherwise you miss some great music. There's no spoilers, it's just a reminder of high points from the previous season and where we left off.