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Justin Bates

I'm so excited for season 5 the first couple episodes are really a shining moment ✨️ the season is good but the first couple omg can't wait. Hopefully charmed will be a 2 episodes a week... I mean I don't know 😎🥳🤠👀


It will be a bi-weekly format with Supernatural especially with Ahsoka out next week and me doing TVD 2x a week

Ed Green

Seasons 5 and 6 each have 23 episodes, so the end of part 1 of this is the episodic halfway point of the show.


So close to my favourite season, oh my god;

Kara Michelle

Pre 9/11 airports in shows always trips me up. Just has that moment of "Oh yeah I vaguely remember meeting people at the gate"

Kara Michelle

Same. Charmed was literally my intro to internet Fandom type situation (Probably a bit of a strong word but I can't think of what else to call it) That said I love 5 too.

Kara Michelle

You probably need to be careful using the term biweekly since it can mean twice a week or 2x a week. There is no universal answer except in payroll.

Amanda P

Such a good opener. I believe Rose had colored her hair and I don't think they were necessarily allowed to, but the writers wrote it in. Redhead Paige is iconic, my older sister watched charmed when I was a little kid and I remember season 5 the most in memories, so I only ever saw Paiges red hair lol. The s5 finale was actually the charmed episodes I remembered most from childhood and so it has a special place in my heart, and when I finally watched the show in full (like 10 years ago) I couldn't wait to get to s5, so I'm excited you're finally to it! Your love for Piper is seriously my fave parts of your reactions 😁

Eddie Green (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 23:12:57 This was in late 2002. A case perhaps of writers not bothering to reflect the new reality.
2023-08-18 11:13:15 This was in late 2002. A case perhaps of writers not bothering to reflect the new reality.

This was in late 2002. A case perhaps of writers not bothering to reflect the new reality.

Kara Michelle

I was thinking that 2001 seemed a bit early for this season but it still reflects the airport experience pre 9/11 so doesnt really matter what year it was made. My guess? They thought the new security measures would be temporary and wanted to be "timeless" and in doing so actually made it dated.

Kara Michelle

They DEFINITELY weren't allowed to but she may have asked and been allowed since it made her stand out.