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Amye Sabin

CROWLEY IS BACK!!! YAY!!! So now we know Cas's big secret. He's been working with Crowley and lying to everyone - the angels, Sam & Dean. Eve was a good twist, killing her off already. So she wasn't the big bad of the season. All the storylines are starting to converge. Souls, alpha monsters, Heaven's civil war... I think you missed where Lenore said she had already given and fed off a young girl. So it wasn't that she was being tempted, she had succumbed. As you will find, Dean has a habit of making new names for monsters.

Eddie Green (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 23:12:57 She said she had succumbed. Not sure I believe her though, as she wanted them to kill her.
2023-08-18 11:14:13 She said she had succumbed. Not sure I believe her though, as she wanted them to kill her.

She said she had succumbed. Not sure I believe her though, as she wanted them to kill her.

Alyssa Bernd

Fun Fact: That scene with them all in that diner and Dean says "Without your powers your just a baby in a trench coat." At that moment, Misha actually forgot his line and the rest of em just rolled with it XD "I think you hurt his feelings." Complete improv! This is y i freaking love these people.