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Samantha Russell

Came for the Charmed reactions, and I guess I'm staying for the TVD reactions! I've never done a rewatch so this will be a fun ride to go on with you - can't wait for the next one :)

Malu x

Omg!! Hello, Hi! haha.. little late but very excited. i've been watching your reactions since forever, stuff like, Harry Potter, MCU, Squid Games, and many more. then i lost your channel somehow but i finally found it. genuinely can not believe you started my favorite show ever. so looking forward to every single episode and i'll be here, especially on Patreon till the very end. a little piece of advice, even tho i'm sure people here are pretty cool judging by the comments alone. it tends to get a little toxic in this TVDU fandom, choosing between who you like and what you ship and all that. i advice you nothing but sticking to what you and you only like throughout the whole show and being objective towards every character. they all, even the one-episode characters are very well written. Good luck and thank you!!