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Eddie Green

Leo can't heal the dead, so the following 'death count' so far is based only on times when they died and could only be brought back by magic: Prue 2 (the dragon stabbing in 2x22, Shax in 3x22); Piper 3 (Rodriguez in timeline 2 in 1x22, impaled by Prue in 3x9, shot by Alice in 3x22); Phoebe 2 (timelines 1 and 2 in 1x22); Paige 0. If you want to count near-death experiences then Piper also has the fever in 2x12, the two healings from Shax, and this; Phoebe also has burning at the stake in 2x2 and being glassed in 4x13; and Paige has the incident from last episode (plus surviving the car crash at 17). Prue also felt her own death twice in 1x16, was briefly a ghost in 1x20, and was healed at the start of 3x22.


Leo is so precious and it wouldn't be "Charmed" without him. Thank you!