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Helloooo I am back! I am burnt but also ready to get recording this week.

Going to do Secret Invasion on the same day because I got back a bit later than planned but also it works better I feel. And I may do the OUAT Bloopers I was suggested sometime this week but unsure when.

Oh and TVD starts this week :D



Amanda P

Charmed AND tvd on the same day 🤩🤩🤩

Melissa Amato

Yeah, Liam, hope you had a nice time, away. Glad your back. Bloopers for OUAT💖Best show'n after the Series concludes, but you have done SPN💖Bloopers before, and you seem to be fine with it. Thank you, look forward to next Reactions. DW Confidential showing on U Tube, premier of 2014 Naile Gaiman Eleventh Doctor Who Behind the scenes fun, for The Doctor's Wife, when the TARDIS became a Woman, from a bubble universe, and just like other Time Lords before him, Eleven is lured to go, upon the hopes of finding more living Time Lord's... "You know, yeah, your com8ng." Some really amazing footage. Nothing from up coming WHO, I know better not talk Spoiler's Idiris, is so geometricly beautiful. 🙆🏻‍♀️ My thief!!✨💙✨🪛My TARDIS¿!🤵🏻 Yeah, but she still doesn't hold a candle to River Song, his real Wife. Hello sweetie's💋❤️‍🩹👩🏼‍🦱❤️‍🩹✨🪛 👩🏻‍🚀🐶✨❤️‍🩹🪛