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Supernatural 5x19.mp4

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Drone Spencer

Looking forward towards you seeing the big daddy Death horseman... I must say I love his portrayal.... and yeah Pestilence is a nasty one.... This was just the tip of the iceberg :)


Didnt this episode cause some controversy when it first aired? The devil killing gods from all these other religions, so easily


I can see people being a tad upset. I mean they were just brought in out of the blue and then Lucifer proceeds to Vader them all, I can imagine a few people will feel offended

Clara V.

It certainly comes across as very condescending, the implication being that the christian god is the only true one and all other religions and gods are lesser and exist below him in the framework that he created as basically just very high-level monsters. I guess whether or not you're offended depends on how seriously you take it, but it's tone-deaf for sure.

Eddie Green

I'd call that an inference rather than an implication. It might be that Lucifer wins because more people believe in him, or that belief in him is more memetic. If that's the case, it could have been made more explicit.

Clara V.

You're looking for an in-universe justification after the fact. It makes no difference how it could be explained inside the fictional universe, it's clear what the implication of choosing to write it this way is. Also the distinction between the words is meaningless here. What I did is infer. What the writers did is imply. Both apply.

Eddie Green

I don't recall that this episode implied that the Christian god is the true god, or that other gods are lesser. Maybe we disagree on the meaning of 'lesser'.

Sharon Owen

urgh to Pestilence - I can't watch that scene - especially since covid... Also yeah - we did get advertised to with the Ghostfacers web series. Which is on youtube now I think... Gabriel :( - we got a fake death then a real death... Also - I think it's implied he's not actually Loki - but the Gods thought he was as he was in 'witness protection'. He was pretending to be Loki - but Kali realised he was actually Gabriel. It's confusing lol.


Well the devil who is just an angel, not a god, just comes in and kills several gods in one punch. So it seems to suggest it goes Christian god > the devil and other angels > Kali and other gods Like Loki is just an angel and was able to pretend to be a god among these other gods like Odín


I think stargate did the same thing, suggested a Hindu god was a parasitical alien pretending to be a god.

Amye Sabin

I think all of the Horsemen are terrifically cast and portrayed. And each actor is so appropriate for his (or her) character.