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Eddie Green

This is my favourite episode of the show so far. Partly because of how keenly I feel the impact of all 4 sisters. And partly because of this: the title is from 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', a popular paraphrase of a line from The Mourning Bride by William Congreve. So the title here is saying that Piper's grief is more powerful, more impactful, than anything Hell has to offer. That's an especially powerful thought when you consider that she's grieving because of the events of 'All Hell Breaks Loose' - all Hell breaking loose caused Prue's death, but Piper's grief is worse than Hell. The premise of the show is that their ordinary human sisterly bond is what makes them such powerful witches compared to so much other magic. In the same way, the episode title means that ordinary human grief is such a relatively powerful thing. I love how the music after the credits here relates to Paige's journey of self-discovery: 'and still I wonder...who am I?' It's happened a lot in Charmed that the lyrics right after the credits (or elsewhere) are really relevant to the episode. Two major recent examples: Firstly, in All Hell Breaks Loose, we hear 'what you take won't kill you but careful what you're giving' - Prue died because of how much she gave to the cause, chasing Shax into the public street, throwing Alice out, and putting herself between Shax and the doctor without pause for self-defence. That lyric is from Depeche Mode's Dream On, which includes the line 'it sucks you in, it drags you down to where there is no hallowed ground, where holiness is never found.' - Prue's choices lead to finding themselves in a situation where for once the holiness of their mission does not protect them, and they're left at the mercy of the Source and of hysterical and murderous humans. Secondly, at the end of 3x21 we hear Breathless by the Corrs: 'and if there's no tomorrow, and all we have is here and now, I'm happy just to have you.' A lyric that could apply to Piper and Phoebe about Prue. Final thought (unless I come up with any more): Holly. Marie. Combs. Cry and the world cries with her. Same goes for when Piper's heart breaks.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I haven't watched this yet cuz I'm at work but I can't wait. HMC BROUGHT. IT. this episode


Since Paige is here I low key want him to react to Jaw Breaker now lmao

Kirstie Brote

I love this episode. It's perfect when I need one of those good, cathartic cries.

Samuel Fernandez

one of my favorite episodes but yeah, it comes with a little sadness. Holly's acting tho

Amanda P

Piper's breakdown at Prue's grave always makes me cry, Holly's acting is amazing. And yes I'm glad they didn't just breeze over Prue's death, they really show the different sides of grief. Cole grabbing the chair and just sitting down instead of going after Paige always makes me laugh, also when he scares Paige to make her orb 😂


Again, another MVP for Paige. Such a sad and dark time for the family and yet here is Paige, stepping up and assuring Piper that the family will get through this together. Many would say too soon. I mean, here we are, and at Prue's resting place none the less and, here is Paige, a total stranger to the sister dynamic but yet, she is getting her sister together in the most loving and protective way. Paige is leading this family back with that Paige spirit that we adore. Halliwell, last name or not!!!


Aside from all the drama in episode, can I say, my favorite line? "EvilgottheBookofShadows, howdidevilgettheBookofShadows?!?!"