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Supernatural 5x16.mp4

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Sharon Owen

This episode always breaks my heart for Dean. You can see his faith in Sam as the episode goes on. One thing I did notice this time round that I haven't paid much attention to before was Dean trying to find a way to escape when 'Mary' was talking to him about burning and everyone leaving him. This episode done a deep dive into Dean's psyche and it's heartbreaking. Also we are closing in on 100 episodes (episode 18) - next episode has 99 in the title because it's the 99th episode lol.

Melissa Amato

At least Sam does have his big bro watching out for him, when he can. Not everyone has a family, or someone to care about them, the way they could care about them. We all hurt, yet some of us go un seen. We may feel we have something to contribute, yet some of us are Never was's, people who tried, but not enough, it's never going to be enough. & most of us turn to a higher being, because really what do you have, when everyone else shuts you & your feelings out?¿ So I have layed in bed, curled up, in constant pain, & just wondered after everything, & everyone you loved, turns a blind eye, & your lying there only feeling abandoned, by it all... You have to still remain, suffering, in a face full of streams of unstoppable salt water. Alone, & still, spasms wreck thru you, like jolts of volts but you still have to volly each moment, as your body fails you... My montra was as constant, Deal with the pain. & eventually I could face a day in the future, I never expected was possible. It was hopeful, & I eventually felt I could feel better, then a helpless child who had been bullied into a nail. Like going thru a wind shield, I survived... But I could never be who I once was, expect nothing. Only believe in something, someone. Because you never know, & I always wanted to there helping, someone who had been abandoned by everyone, they loved, then to turn a blind eye, & just walk away, from them. I can't, could you¿? Sam & Dean fight with these concepts, & concerns everytime we watch them. When everyone else has turned ablind eye to everyone else, they step in it, as anti heroes, hoping to only change things for the better. Even when some monster, isn't. They do the things we see as impossible. & We are entertained by the prospect that they are at least trying, to hold each other in balance, that may or may not exist. But to try, to keep trying, & then maybe better will surface & survive¿? TV & movies for more then before is what makes life worth listening to, & learning from. It's also what most of us, wish we could be a part of, because our favorite Characters are the family we never get to have except thru our screen's. Sometimes, dealing with pain, is spending time with those, we know to help us cope, with the reality, & why TV & the shows we watch are so important to us. For more now it is a salvation, we don't have to worry over, or fear in our Real, but just take a few moments out of timee whymee spacey wacey, to enjoy. Thank you, Liam SPN among other TV shows except Buffy because hey monster relentlessly attacking like a wave of encompassing fear. But series who brake fourth walls, like Legends, are just the goof needed to make a sh***!! Daze worth while, to have a little while to hear how a Reactor feels about littally putting a bag over his or her head, because a scene was just too much to handle, ok, that happened, now let's discuss it in The Chatt, Discord. Never did that, but I'm sure it gets heated, & fun. Show's Have given this never was some hope, that there is better. That we all deal with our pain in different ways, & sometimes family, even friends you trusted in, are not always the one's you rely on, or could even turn to, maybe they have even let you down, by some selfish means. But then some wonderfully adorable, idiotic, yet good hearted, space man, out of a blue box, landing in your Mom's very rose garden, wouldn't be so bad, for a little while, to traverse some Galactic phenomenon, sharing jammy dodger's & cafe olae’ singing, & dancing around like fools, above the pain, & Real, with a new friend, or two. Who wouldn't want that¿? Or a moon walk, turned into a soft shoe, to the tune of me & my shadow, drunk off Lister's personal Moon shine, stepping into nothingness off the ledge of the Red Dwarf's interstellar cargo ship. Or perhaps a jelly baby, from a man in a very wacky looking, yet ever funny, & charming floppy Fedora's, & a much too long octopus, of a knitted, multi colored scarf, an later on, that an Osgood procures, as well as other items, the Doctor had possessed, & left equally behind him. Bow ties are cool, sure Doctor, because you wear one... & as much as he tried keep from admitting it. Only because you are cool Doctor, & you unfailingly try... No matter what, you are the Doctor. Yeah, we know you. Then he gives you a little knowing grin, & it's all over. & Dancing with the lonely Doctor on the glass deck of his amazing TARDIS. Giggling for a little while. Worth it. He made me, us, smile, & that is worth so much more then complaining about bad weather. A writer can frighten us with the unerving thought that a mere plastic bag holds a unseen & un foreshadowing consequence, inside of it. But since we don't see what's internally inside, we would fail to understand, & we fear what isn't so much revealed to us, then what would be. The magic of an evil genus, no just like us the scared kid, who feared the closet door opening in the night, on its own, what opened it?¿ We can only speculate, as we would for anyone we meet. Never was out. Sam & Dean together, take care of the phantom's, & try to just make it better. Because that's all anyone can do. Continue to deal with the pain, survive, & just try. 💖🌐💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀🎩✨🪛 ✨🙌🏻✨🌛🌞🌜✨ & Also, Just be kind, & try to understand. No matter what you believe, we all need more of that.😉💖

Amye Sabin

I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. That really does look like the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. Dean has just been going through it the last few episodes. He's really become depressed and defeated. Like Joshua said, Dean's lost faith in his brother, in everything. In actuality Jensen didn't like the Samulet because it kept hitting him in the face. This was how the show resolved that problem. I'm hoping Sam picked the Samulet up out of the garbage can. I don't think Zachariah was manipulating everything. Only the last scene in their childhood home, with evil Mary. But all of Sam's memories ARE his happy places, just as Dean's are. So now we know where God is. He is on Earth. What is he doing? Where is he? I can understand why he doesn't interfer. He gave angels and humans free will. If this is what they've done with it, then why should he step in and clean up their mess? I would like Joshua to appear again, he seems like a 'good' angel.

Amye Sabin

And in the following episode Dean is in room 100 at the beginning.


My internet has been down so I am just finally seeing this. I look forward to all your r reactions so much. Heck, I just gave up my favorite latte once a month to join your Patreon. No joke. Dark Side of the Moon is a big favorite of mine. So many reveals. So much to take in about the boys and what they value. When Sam says "Family just doesn't mean the same thing to me", Dean's world takes another hit and Sam scrambles to soften the blow but of course they are interrupted. It tears me apart for both of them. Every tiny detail in this episode is important. You can watch it a dozen times and still catch something you missed before. The final scene is a masterpiece with a tiny amount of dialogue. Sam is desperate to be encouraging to his brother and Cas. An angel who has lived thousands of years existing to do what God commands is devastated and loses faith. Dean says nothing to Cas, he just watches the inner turmoil waiting with the tiniest hope that Cas will give him something, anything to hang on to. The lost look in his eyes when the angel turns away is devastating. Dean's only word in the scene is "how?" Hollow, broken and hopeless. Sam who has been looking towards Dean to keep them both motivated and moving forward has seen that determination fading and is left alone in the hotel room just like he must feel alone inside at that moment. It's brilliant, multi-layered and heartbreaking.💔


The end of this episode hurts me every time.I get why Dean is upset but throwing away the Necklace...I hope Sam picked it out of the Trash Can