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Charmed 3x22.mp4

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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

😬😬😬 ooh I can't wait to watch this later...

Eddie Green

'Dark Side of the Moon' is a very fitting episode title to be released alongside this episode. This episode reminds me strongly of 'a certain movie', which it was the 5-year anniversary of on Thursday - another appropriate release date, Liam. In the same way, we're pretty close to Mayday. This is the 3rd episode directed by Shannen Doherty, again marked by her absence from much of the prior episode. I've read she pushed Holly Marie Combs and herself to be more and more emotionally wrecked during Piper's death scene. Turns out when it came to it, Prue chose one sibling over five strangers after all. My compromise solution to the question of 'chase Shax into the street' or 'let him kill our innocent' would be to have summoned him back to the house and vanquished him there. What gets me the most about this episode (which aired the same week as the Buffy Season 5 finale), during every rewatch, is just how real it is. Like Cole says, 'Listen to me, this is serious.' It's barely escapism at all - everything just goes horribly wrong, and the threat of exposure that they started being worried about as early as Season 1 (the obnoxious reporter was in episode 19) has happened at last.

Amanda P

Yeah this is definitely one of the best but also worst episodes of charmed, it's so hard to watch. I wasn't quite ready to watch it with you. Your crying made me cry more 😭 I do love the source being finally revealed after 3 seasons of him being the big dark mystery looming over them. Prue going dark side using her powers on people oof it's crazy. And yeah the fucking reporters being all "what's happening?" Like YOU CANT SEE SHES BLEEDING AND A LADY WITH A GUN GOT TAKEN DOWN??? The last 2 finales ended all happy with the door being closed nicely and then seeing the glass break and it just goes silent... I'm ready for season 4 though, can't wait for the 2 parter. I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat!! I can only hope you'll gift us with the reaction very soon


The moment we've been waiting for.


That slow-mo scene of Prue out front, calling for Leo with our cinnamon roll in the back seat wounded as Prue is grabbing her hair is the scene. All hell has broken the f*ck loose. When it's revealed who shot Piper, the way I yelled at my TV with you...you bit*h!!!! lol. I mean everything about this episode ripped us all to shreds in real time. The wait for Season 4 felt like time was standing still. Just awful emotionally and mentally. However, such an explosive and great Finale. From the very beginning to the very end as we leave out of the manor as the front door glass aggressively shatters. I really can't with this episode without being a complete wreck by the end. Another great reaction Bud.

Michelle Linardis

Imagine our pain when this aired, and we had to wait MONTHS for the next episode LOL


In fact, I was looking forward to your reaction on this episode knowing how much you love Piper and I am also looking forward to your reaction for the first episode of season 4

Kirstie Brote

When Liam cries, we all cry with him. Great reaction to a much-anticipated episode!


This episode aired on May 17, 2001. Five days later on the 22nd, BTVS's 'The Gift' aired. It was a very exciting, sad and emotional week for fantasy fans. We've got Phoebe stuck in the underworld. The Source says he's going to kill Phoebe and lock up Cole. Piper and Prue mortally wounded and left for dead at the manor. No one left to call out to Leo for help. It's a lot to take in.


Hey Liam no pressure just wondering when you're thinking of uploading the next episode?


Ah thank you! I was just wondering how to plan my schedule 😄


Oh my god...Yeeeeah given how that episode wrecked me, I can't imagine being a Charmed and Buffy fan at that time


Hi Liam, I'm catching up to your Charmed uncuts here and I cant seem to find the link to this episode anywhere. I dont see it in the temporary link either....am I missing something?


Huh...I can't find it whatsoever. I have no idea what happened but I'll see if I can find it but how did it disappear is the question...


Catching up on reactions and this link still doesn't exist... Is it somewhere else?


Yeah, it takes a lot of time for me to update the links. Please check the About section on my Patreon. Sadly for AHBL, I am unable to know where the file went which is odd. I hope to miraciously find it one day but for the time being, 3x22 is lost atm