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Lucifer 6x07.mp4

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Miss Timi Fantastico

I missed the Lucifer bit of this title and got confused thinking you were watching the movie with Julia Roberts! Have you ever seen that? Might be a fun suggestion if you haven’t.

Celia Fox

Great reaction as ever! Your reactions to and comments about Adam made me smile so much. He really did come across as a jerk- I agree. I did think his slow walk/strut down the stairs at Lux...macho man, slow mo...giving off heebee Bee Gee vibes (apologies Barry Gibb) was so funny with a touch of cringey too! I loved all the emotions in the situations leading up to and during the wedding that you expressed in your reactions. The wedding was so precious and yes, as you said so perfect too but oh dear, poor Ella, getting drunk and losing it! She must have felt so side-lined watching them all and feeling like they had all deliberately kept her out of it and in the dark.Your reactions continue to be so very entertaining and your laughter so infectious that re-watching with you makes me enjoy this season even more. Thanks Liam.