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Buffy 6x21.mp4

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Claire Eyles

I think one of the reasons why Dark Willow works so well as a big bad is that it is still Willow, it's Willow's shadow self in its purest form. We've seen instances previously of Willow's darkness, or at least the darkness that comes from her unwillingness to go through certain emotions & trying to resort to magic to block things out, but she's always had at least some balance or connection to the world to pull her back from crossing that line. She obviously feels like she doesn't have any of that now, hence her shadow side, the dark parts of herself are now fully manifesting.

Derek Garrard

That transition between Rack's place and the Magic Box is still one of my favorite things they've done on this show.

Devon Martin

"I'd like to test that theory" ;)

Free Your Geek

I still remember watching this episode when it first aired and jumping out of my chair during the last 5 seconds! And I agree, it was a badass line!


I watched this live and for me this aired as a 2 hour finale! It was this episode with the season finale so I didn’t need to wait long after this cliffhanger. 😂 Just a commercial break.

Glorie Bluestein

wouldn't willow have to change her name like anakin did?.................i do believe she had some of the darkness in her but i also wonder if rax's power just amplified it more than it would have

Victoria E (vickster5001)

That arrival from Giles is one of the coolest character entrance scenes on TV. It was thrilling the first time and still is decades on. I’m also a Dark Willow fan. It’s just such a fantastic idea that is done brilliantly. You realise the trio have been the warm up for the main event!


Season six is somewhat controversial among fans. Although I think few people hate it many fans do rank it lower than other seasons. It does have a strange dichotomy as many of the issues that it deals with (Buffy's resurrection and subsequent depression, Xander and Anya's issues, addiction and rape and now violent {human caused} death and Willow's dark turn) make this season much more serious and depressing than any other season. It also has some of the best episodes of the series and yet the "big bads" of the season arc are the least interesting and least powerful villains of the series. Yes Warren killed Tara and he is a genius when it comes to technology but the Trio doesn't really compare to The Master, Glorificus, Angelus, The Mayor or even Adam. Compared to them the Trio is just an annoyance that wouldn't go away and Warren's only superpower is being a massive dick. In my opinion the real big bad of season six is all of the internal angst, personal issues and poor communication that the Scoobies had to deal with. Much of which they did to themselves. Overall I still think is is a great season but the themes it deals with do set it apart from the other six seasons. One thing I am sure of is that you will love the season finale. When it comes to Season finales Buffy goes seven for seven.

Raven Dark

I love this season finale (all three parts) but (and I don't think I've ever admitted this before) there are two parts that annoy me. One, Xander's line to Andrew and Johnathan in response to the Midiclorian reference, "You've never had any tiny bit of sex, have you?", and two, Buffy;s reaction to Johnathan when he tries to help, "Now remember that thing we talked about (about then shutting up). I hate Xander's line for two reasons. One, virgin shaming isn't funny, and two, the idea that "nerds" who like Star Wars or similar things must be uncool is just dumb. I can't stand the whole "nerds are creepy virgins and that makes them stupid" trope. And I hate Buffy's line because Johnathan was trying to help, and while the writers were trying to make her sound badass, they just made her sound uncharacteristically bitchy. She sounds like the stereotypically "cool" girl shutting down the "annoying nerd." I adore Buffy as a character, but I hate girls like that, and I can't stand that they made her sound that way.