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Once Upon a Time 2x08.mp4

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I agree totally! I mean, yes, Hook is HOT! And he has some very funny bits, especially later in the series. But I hate how so many fans swoon over him, excusing all of the villainous things he's done. I'm one of the few women who are NOT into the bad boy. Give me an adorkable, genuine man any day of the week! I especially hate how everyone ships Emma and Hook. It's plain icky, considering the fact that Hook was with Neal's mother! How does no one understand how disturbing Hook and Emma being together is?! I'm Emma/Neal(Baelfire) all the way.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Into the Deep- Thank you again, for another wonderful reaction from you! I really love this episode a lot! And I know that it might raise a lot of questions, as it does for everyone who watches this episode, but I assure you that they will all be answered in the episodes to come. Now... I especially love the beautiful moment between David and Mary Margaret within the Netherworld. I love Charming's absolute faith in Snow and how they call each other Snow and Charming again. This kind of absolute faith in their love for one another runs in the Charming family, as the Charmings are known as the strongest semblances of True Love throughout the entire series. Especially Snow and Charming. And it's all so beautiful. :) It takes a lot for some people to believe that it's possible for them to trust in one another so fully as they do, simply because that kind of blind faith and love for our loved ones doesn't really existence in the real world. For some it might, but this kind of True Love is rare. That is what this show conveys, especially within this episode. That they know in their hearts that somehow, they will find one another again and find a way to become united together again, just as Charming believes he would find Snow within the Netherworld. Yes... Aurora vanished and in Charming's mind, as well as Regina's, Henry's, and Gold's, as they assume something terrible might have happened to her. Therefore, Charming trusted that Snow would choose to enter the Netherworld next in hope to seek out answers as Henry and Aurora tried to do before, knowing that she is the only one of them who could. And he is absolutely right to believe in her so much. I love it!!! :) Sadly, Mary Margaret is terrified because David's plan for her to wake him through True Love's Kiss while still together in the Netherworld failed because their bodies weren't physically there and because Mary Margaret was waking up. And now... David is trapped within a sleeping curse until she and Emma can get back home. And whether they considered the possibility that True Love's Kiss wouldn't work while within the Netherworld, Charming would have made the sacrifice anyways simply for the small chance of seeing his wife again. Both Josh Dallas' and Ginnifer Goodwin's acting in this scene is once again quite beautiful, as they always are in the scenes they're in together. In regards to whether or not Henry can wake David with True Love's Kiss like Emma did for Henry in season one's finale, A Land Without Magic... I honestly don't think True Love's Kiss would work between them for two reasons. One... David's True Love is Snow and always has been. He loves her more than anyone else in the whole world. And two, and most importantly... While Charming and Henry do love one another because they are grandfather and grandson, they have barely begun to get to know one another. They knew each other during the curse, but they have only just begun to get to know one another as grandfather and grandson. So I don't believe True Love's Kiss would work. Also... I absolutely love all of the scenes with Hook. And Hook will most definitely work for whoever can get him what he wants at any given moment. He is quick to turn on whoever he might be working for, just as any villain or bad guy is in any show or movie. There's no honor among thieves, or in this case... among villains. And even though Hook has stolen Aurora's heart in order to give it to Cora so he can get back into the sorceress' good graces, which isn't good... I still fully believe that Hook was genuine in his feelings towards Emma before she betrayed him in Tallahassee, and even to some degree in this episode too, in spite of his anger with her for leaving him chained up in the giants' castle. However, he's been seeking revenge against Rumplestiltskin for over two hundred years now and so suddenly letting go of his quest of revenge is not so easy to do when he can't trust Emma or anyone to be fully on his side. And he doesn't trust anyone easily either, with good reason. Which in part made for Hook and Emma to be such a good team back in Tallahassee, because in so many ways, they are both so much alike. As for Hook ripping out Aurora's heart... this question as to how he does so will be answered soon, and as for when he takes it... we are meant to assume that it is while Aurora is still unconscious, before Hook wakes her. This is why she wouldn't know that she is being possessed so to speak. And even if she feels the lack of her heart in her chest... it's possible that she was commanded through her heart not to tell the heroes that her heart was missing and that she was now being controlled through it. But it's most likely just the power of someone being in control of one's heart. They must obey whatever commands are given to them, and they can't tell anyone they are being controlled. And just like Regina did to Graham, he simply rips out her heart thanks to powerful magic so that Cora can remain in control of her for however long Cora is in need of her. Aurora is still very much alive, just like Graham was while Regina kept control over him upon stealing his heart too. And as far as Cora using Aurora's heart to control her, as she did the zombies... the person in possession of a person's heart can make them do, say, and even believe anything. There is a lot that can be done with and to a person whose heart is possessed by someone. We saw this so far back in season one with Graham even though he was trapped under the curse, as well as in this season's episode... The Doctor, when Rumple teaches Regina how to rip out hearts too. And now we've seen different aspects here in this episode with Aurora and the zombies, and we will continue to see more with heart possession throughout the series. Magic works in so many different ways. Which is fantastic!! :) I am sad that Hook is once again on Cora's side and that he ripped out Aurora's heart because it's bad, and I absolutely prefer to see Hook on Emma's and the heroes' side like we saw of him in Tallahassee, over him being on Cora's side. I would have loved to see where their storyline would have gone had Emma not betrayed Hook, or if Hook actually meant what he tells Aurora to tell Emma within this episode too. I still believe he preferred to work with Emma until her betrayal. However, at the same time... I definitely understand him siding with Cora again. Hook is a pirate, whose loyalties lie with whoever will give him what he wants. Emma betrayed him first and wouldn't trust him, and Hook knows nothing he can do will convince her to trust him enough to get him to Storybrooke. And while he knows Cora doesn't trust him either, just as he doesn't trust her in the slightest... I believe Hook senses he can manipulate Cora easier than he can Emma, in spite of Cora being a very dangerous villain. I feel that Hook has seen something more in Emma that makes her powerful too. One of the biggest reasons why you feel such chemistry between Hook and Emma. And I love it!!!! :) As for Cora... this episode is definitely her best so far and she is a good villainess because she's so evil, even though I still hate her. And I really do. She's just a little too twisted in all of her actions she does claiming to be doing it for her daughter, when she's really acting for herself. People who act claiming their actions to be for others they love when all they are twisted... It's frightening. Now... I love the moments between Henry and David too. David is so good with Henry. They have many, many sweet and tender moments together throughout this half of season two and I just absolutely adore them together. I also really like all the scenes between Gold with David, Henry, and Regina, as they work together to try to help Emma and Mary Margaret find their way home, as well as to try to stop Cora. I love Gold's explanation to David about how the Netherworld works and how he must find the room on fire due to him first falling under the sleeping curse. Gold's explanation and David seeking out the room as he starts off in a dark room full of mirrors, then discovers the fire room is beneath him... it's all brilliant. I love this as well. And lastly... I really like Aurora more in this episode I think, than I've ever really liked her in Once Upon a Time... I suppose maybe because she just doesn't feel like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty like I would have imagined her. And that's harsh and unfair... I know, but nevertheless... I feel that Aurora does get better with each episode, for which I am grateful. She has always just been a background character until now. Mulan on the other hand… while I normally like her a lot, I think her scenes in this episode bothers me more so than in any other episode, because she keeps going against Emma and Mary Margaret. She leaves them behind as she runs with Aurora, then runs away with the compass. I understand Mulan's loyalty to Phillip and therefore to Aurora. To her, she is being honorable. But I am still glad that Mary Margaret and Emma catch up to her. And as far as Mulan losing too easily to Mary Margaret when they get into their fight... this annoys me a little as well. While Snow is a brilliant fighter in her own right, Mulan is actually a soldier and is supposed to be the best. So I find it strange that Mulan is so easily taken down, even by Snow. I guess you can say that Snow's motivation to get home now is that much stronger than ever before, so she can not only be home with her husband and grandson again, but now because David is also in danger of remaining trapped under the sleeping curse. Oh... and something I also really love, in case you didn't catch this... the poppies which have the power to put someone to sleep for a time, is a reference to The Wizard of Oz. In the movie, the Wicked Witch puts a spell over the poppy field outside of Emerald City, causing Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion to fall asleep until Glinda wakes them with her snowy magic. For Once Upon a Time... these poppies are actually found in the Enchanted Forest, and I really love the nod to one of my favorite movies of all time. I think it's brilliant! I can't wait for the next episode!!! Thank you again for this amazing and fun reaction, Liam! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi

Janel Davis

"Because you're handsome, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt." Therein lies the secret of Hook's success 😂 I love watching you thirst for Hook! It makes my day every time ❤

Melissa Amato

Dreamy Killian 💗🧑🏻💋Jones Hook! Is by far a Very Cheeky Pirate babe, he's a mega flirt, fun, trouble, with a Capital T. But I wouldn't kick him out of bed. I would likely, want to do what Emma does, & lock him down.

Melissa Amato

A man like Hook 🧑🏻would be too much fun💋⚔️⚓🎭 to let go. Just don't lock horns with Rumple darkone can't be trusted.Dont make deals with him either.🐃& you & he should be fine, & smoothe sailing. ⛵ Thank you Liam, for Reacting to OUAT💗 Great Fun, & OMG moments that make you wince, True ONCER'S LOVE THAT! & Just know, The Villains aren't always Villainous. & The Hero's not always true or Heroic. They live in the Gray. Like Gandolf not light, not dark Xcept for good ol' Rumpy.😈 🧑🏻💥👩🏼👲🏻✨🧚✨💗🌎💗 🎭👩🏻🐶 🍄🎩🍄 ☕☕🥧🥧

Melissa Amato

🤴🏼👸🏻👸🏻💁🏼‍♀️👲🏻📖🍎👑🍄🎩🍄⚔️❌⚔️❌⛵💋🧑🏻💗🍰💋❌🎭❌❌💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯⚔️💋🤭😉😍😘😊 HOOK is off the Hook, Yummy... ❌❌💋

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:17:45 Those deep, ocean blue eyes of his, are just too dreamy. Like the shallow waters, he was made from. Just don't embibe his Hook, with a Enchantment, & expect him not to steal a heart💗 or two. Hook, is a Wyld 🃏card, he will lead to trouble, if you don't lock that bad pup down. Lol But he's soo cute, he may convince you to let him go. 🧑🏻⛵🌅🌙🌙✨💗⚔️🔥 He's also Naughty... With a Cheeky glint in his bratty look, raising an eyebrow, then giving you his back talk, that will floor you. You come away with a giggle, 🤭😉😍✨🌙🌙✨⚓💗
2021-04-21 00:47:45 Those deep, ocean blue eyes of his, are just too dreamy. Like the shallow waters, he was made from. Just don't embibe his Hook, with a Enchantment, & expect him not to steal a heart💗 or two. Hook, is a Wyld 🃏card, he will lead to trouble, if you don't lock that bad pup down. Lol But he's soo cute, he may convince you to let him go. 🧑🏻⛵🌅🌙🌙✨💗⚔️🔥 He's also Naughty... With a Cheeky glint in his bratty look, raising an eyebrow, then giving you his back talk, that will floor you. You come away with a giggle, 🤭😉😍✨🌙🌙✨⚓💗

Those deep, ocean blue eyes of his, are just too dreamy. Like the shallow waters, he was made from. Just don't embibe his Hook, with a Enchantment, & expect him not to steal a heart💗 or two. Hook, is a Wyld 🃏card, he will lead to trouble, if you don't lock that bad pup down. Lol But he's soo cute, he may convince you to let him go. 🧑🏻⛵🌅🌙🌙✨💗⚔️🔥 He's also Naughty... With a Cheeky glint in his bratty look, raising an eyebrow, then giving you his back talk, that will floor you. You come away with a giggle, 🤭😉😍✨🌙🌙✨⚓💗

Staton Chapman

Everyone excuses hook being a villian just bc he is hot. It's just typical how most ppl want the bad boy. It's annoying. He's definitely not my crush on the show that's for sure