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Lucifer 2X10.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Quid Pro Ho- Thank you very much! Another fabulous reaction, for another fantastic episode! :) I really enjoy this episode a lot. Fabulous! First... it's very interesting to see our characters in the setting of a courtroom for a change, as Chloe, Lucifer, Dan, and Penelope Decker all attend the trial of Chloe's father's murderer, the Warden. And unfortunately, in hope of using Chloe to hurt her son once again, Charlotte has joined our team to be the Warden's defense attorney. So not good. But to back track a little... I really enjoy the opening scene between Charlotte and Amenadiel, when he comes up behind his mother upon discovering what she's about to do to Chloe and tries to stop her from killing Chloe. However, Charlotte's powers are growing stronger everyday, and she's easily able to overpower her son. Thankfully, Amenadiel is able to talk his mother out of killing Chloe when he explains to her that Lucifer would never rest until he found Chloe's murderer and that when he would find out, he would never forgive Charlotte if she did go through with her plan. And it isn't until Amenadiel reminds her that Lucifer killed Uriel in order to protect Chloe, that Charlotte understands her oldest son is right. I love it! So... she realizes then that she needs to come up with a new plan that doesn't involve Chloe's death. And unfortunately... she most certainly succeeds, and her new plan is almost equally as evil and twisted because now... she's chosen to help Chloe's father's murderer get free by becoming his lawyer, and she is despicable. Brilliant... but of course despicable. During the trial, after discovering his mother's plan to help the Warden, Lucifer then speaks with the prosecutor and offers himself up to testify on Chloe's behalf so he can try to help her in every way he can. And at first... everything is going very well and in their favor, thanks to Lucifer's very colorful and detailed testimony about the events that allowed the police to arrest the man who arranged the hit on Chloe's father so that he would come to testify on their behalf so they could also arrest and put the Warden away for the rest of his life until he's later executed for his crimes. However, Boris is killed and his head is sent to Dan at their precinct, which destroys our team's best and only real chance to nail the Warden for his crimes. And if this isn't bad enough, Charlotte later recalls Lucifer to the stand and manipulates him into telling the truth about Chloe having been the one to come upon the original accused's body when she wasn't supposed to be investigating the case herself knowing full well that Lucifer won't ever lie. And unfortunately, by Lucifer revealing the truth because Charlotte knows her son cannot lie, it gives Charlotte and the Warden a huge advantage. Sadly... Chloe is quick to become angry with Lucifer because she believes that he had told Charlotte about their cover up involving Chloe's own investigation. The look on Lucifer's face in this moment is heartbreaking because he's so hurt that Chloe would think so little of him. All he wants to do is to help her and in spite of his best efforts, his own sense of honor backfires on him when he is forced to hurt her by telling the truth. I can certainly understand why she's upset with him because she has no idea that Dan slept with Charlotte or that she used him to get to her, but she's definitely wrong to outright accuse Lucifer like this too. Later... Lucifer calls on Dan and Maze to help him fix things, and together they seek out the truth behind who killed Boris, during which time Maze calls Dan out about his involvement with Charlotte and them sleeping together, because Lucifer is beating himself up over trying to figure out who might have told his mother about Chloe's investigation. Lucifer immediately becomes very angry with Dan upon learning he slept with his mother, but their fight is very quickly interrupted when they become surrounded by a Chinese gang believed to be responsible for Boris' death. However, after a fight between Maze and one of the gang's best warriors... a fight that Maze easily wins, the gang's leader reveals the name of a disgraced and former member of their gang who was responsible for killing Boris. I love this fight between Maze and this warrior. It's a lot of fun to watch and once again... Maze is just awesome! :) Lucifer and Dan finally find Boris' body, as well as the disgraced gang member's bodies, but sadly, they're no closer to helping Chloe and the prosecutor because they still are unable to find any evidence that ties the Warden to any of the deaths he's set up. As for my favorite moments throughout this episode... First, I love the scene earlier on between Lucifer and Charlotte, as they walk together to discuss why Charlotte has gotten herself involved in the case by helping the killer. Charlotte is so casual with how she easily tells her son the truth behind her involvement, because she hopes that by doing so, it will prove to him that his admiration and attachment to Chloe isn't worth giving up his family for, because she believes that Chloe would never do anything close to prove to Lucifer how much she truly cares about him in return. And upon explaining all of this to him, Charlotte admits to him that she was going to kill Chloe, after which Lucifer immediately becomes so angry that he allows part of his monstrous side to come out as his eyes glow red, and he warns his mother that if he ever hurts Chloe... However, Charlotte interrupts him as she scolds him for being willing to sacrifice so much for one human and that she fails to understand why, then tries to make him realize that Chloe would never do anything for him like he would do for her, then finally assures him she won't ever try to kill Chloe again. And while Lucifer is angry with his mother, he's also confused and worried that she might be right about Chloe and what all she might do for him. It's so sad that Charlotte succeeds in making her son doubt that Chloe could actually care about him enough to make any kind of sacrifice like he's already done for her a number of time, and if she might even care for him at all. Another of my favorite moments is when Chloe takes the stand to testify, after Charlotte has given her a cruel ultimatum... that if Chloe told the courtroom that Lucifer is a liar, then she would convince the Warden to plead guilty and he would then be sent to prison for life where he belonged, which is what Chloe desperately wants so she can make her father's killer pay. And if she refused, then the Warden would get off. Ooo... I so wanted to slap Charlotte for forcing such a terrible decision on Chloe. And then... Chloe makes the right decision and offers a beautiful testimony when Charlotte then stands and asks her if she thinks Lucifer is liar. Through tears and with pain in her voice upon knowing full well what saying what she's about to say to defend Lucifer will cost her, Chloe truthfully tells everyone that Lucifer is a lot of things, but that he is not a liar when she admits to working her own investigation in spite of it having been wrong to do, and that Lucifer is the best partner she could ever hope to work with, then finishes by telling him through her testimony that she hopes he can depend on her and trust in her to back him up, just as she knows he's done for her ever since they first met some time ago now. I absolutely love how Chloe focuses on Lucifer as she says all of this, and I love Lucifer's face as he's watching her too. You can see just how much her words mean to him simply by looking into his eyes, and how much Lucifer really means to Chloe too through her eyes. Absolutely beautiful! I can feel the raw emotion during this scene and I just absolutely love it! And as a result of Chloe standing up for Lucifer, the Warden is set free thanks to Charlotte just like Chloe feared, because they just haven't enough evidence to put him away. You can really see the pain in Chloe's eyes as she watches her father's murderer walk away, and we know how much she sacrificed in order to defend Lucifer. Thankfully, the Warden is later abducted by the Russians for having Boris killed, thanks to Dan and Maze calling them to let them know his killer walked out of the courtroom a free man. While I applaud Dan for helping Chloe in the only way he could, it is still wrong that he elicited the Warden's abduction, knowing full well that the Warden will inevitably wind up dead. And you can see that a big part of him regrets his decision to once again get his hands dirty like he had done before with Malcolm. And I do feel bad for him. And then... another of my favorite moments comes in the end when Chloe comes to see Lucifer at his penthouse, as we see Lucifer is about to leave to go see her as well. And then... he offers her dinner to try to make up for him having blown her off on their first date, as a small token of his appreciation for what she said about him. As their time together during their date brings them closer, Lucifer thanks her for what she's said about him and Chloe immediately assures him that she meant every word, sensing that he was still unsure if she truly meant all that she said. And then... their faces slowly are drawn closer together and they look like they're about to kiss, until... Agh!!! The episode suddenly ends right there and there's no conclusion to what's going to happen between them. I couldn't help but scream at my computer screen when I first watched this episode, because I was so upset that we couldn't see Lucifer and Chloe finally share their first kiss in this moment. It's so frustrating, but I absolutely love this moment between them! Their chemistry is on fire!!! :) However, while Chloe and Lucifer are together... there is a big revelation that comes upon Amenadiel having a brief discussion earlier that after with Penelope, as he recognizes Penelope's face and suddenly leaves to come talk with his mother. And in exchange for his mother telling him the full truth behind her plans to try to hurt Lucifer and to bring her family back together again, he goes on to share with her that Chloe is the result of a miracle upon him blessing Penelope so that she could have a special child in spite of it having been impossible for her to give birth beforehand. And Amenadiel explains that God instructed him to do so, as he puts together that Chloe was destined to fall into Lucifer's path, possibly resulting in why Chloe is resistant to Lucifer's charms and why she makes him vulnerable. I absolutely love this revelation. It's absolutely phenomenal because we now finally know why Lucifer can get hurt when he's close to her, and why she doesn't fall for his tricks like everyone else. The questions are... why does God want Lucifer and Chloe to be together? Does he even want them to be together? And now... Charlotte seems to believe that Chloe is now the key to her getting everything she wants, so what does this mean for Lucifer? Charlotte's face and her smug smile once again tells us that she's up to something, and it's not good at all. Oh... and yes, I absolutely love the beautiful use of Phil Collins' song... In the Air Tonight, played eerily in the background during the ending when Lucifer and Chloe are having dinner, while Amenadiel is revealing the truth about Chloe being a miracle to Charlotte inside of her office. Phil Collins' version of the song of course is better, because I am a big, big fan of Phil Collins and his music. However, I absolutely love this new version of the song as well. It's really quite beautiful, with a darker tone. I love it!! :) Overall... a fantastic episode like I said above. And I really enjoyed your reaction for it. I am so happy you're continuing to love this show so, so much!! I can't wait for more!! These next three episodes are absolutely phenomenal, and two more of my favorites from this season are among them, so I am so, so excited!!!! Thank you again, Liam! Until your next reactions... Sincerely, Heidi