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Lucifer 2X02.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you once again for another fantastic reaction for Lucifer!!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. In fact, it's very close to being one of my favorite episodes from this season. I just really love the dynamic between Lucifer and his mother... the Goddess of all creation, who is now in the body of a corrupt defense lawyer named Charlotte Richards. However, I love even more so... the despair and pain she brings out in Lucifer while he continues to hold her part in his banishment from Heaven against her throughout the entire episode, especially in the ending until a huge revelation to him is spoken, resulting in my favorite scene throughout this entire episode. I love how she claims that it was her who cast Lucifer into Hell which then resulted in him becoming vilified for all eternity, because she had pleaded with God to send her son to Hell when God initially planned to obliterate Lucifer instead. The pained look in Lucifer's eyes and on his face is absolutely heartbreaking, and yet while he has struggled to believe anything his mother has said to him out of anger towards her ever since she first walked through his door, his eyes soften when he finally tells her that he believes her, then tells her she can stay until he can figure out what to do next. But then... as soon as Lucifer walks away from the Goddess, another shocker occurs when she looks up into Heaven and smiles cruelly up at her husband, in a way that perhaps all she had just told her son was nothing more than a cruel lie, or perhaps more of a manipulation in order to try to get Lucifer to forgive her and to get him back on her side, in order to dig his hatred for God in that much deeper for her own hidden agenda against God. Very cruel and I just feel so badly for Lucifer. Especially since we already know just how much him being cast into Hell to become the Devil has hurt him. And now we have no idea if we can trust anything his mother says, given we don't know if she's only trying to tell her son everything he wants to hear simply to make him all the more angrier at God, or if she's saying these things only to hurt him as punishment for him turning his back on her in Hell. Yikes! Lucifer is a selfish character, and understandably so after all the pain he's really suffered in his long, long, long life. He makes a lot of mistakes that not only irritate Chloe, Dan, Linda, as well as Amenadiel and Maze too, but that might hurt them as well. However, he also has come to care them all, as well as the humans he constantly surrounds himself with. While he is trying to be helpful to them on their cases and otherwise, Lucifer really doesn't always fully understand just how selfish he can be. Or how wrong he is when he says things to Chloe such as she's a bad mother, when we all know she really isn't. Sadly, it's because Lucifer struggles deeply with understanding human emotion. For eons… Lucifer has only had himself he could depend on to survive. Maze has been on his side, but he's never fully trusted her because she's a demon and he's the Devil. He's never fully trusted anyone, until now. He's coming to trust Chloe. The only person really looking out for him since he and his brothers and sisters were born has been himself, especially since his parents and his brothers and sisters have been looking to destroy him. So it makes sense that Lucifer would be selfish. And yet in spite of all his pain and his fight for survival, Lucifer has come to care about Chloe more than he knows, because she is the only other person who actually truly cares about him in spite of his "Luciferness" no matter how selfish he is. And he truly appreciates it. This is why I love Lucifer as a character so, so much because he's such a complex character who feels more than "the Devil" ever should and so much more than he can possibly understand after all the pain he's suffered from since being cast out of Heaven into Hell, and forced to become the punisher and villain like the entire world sees him as. So just what is the Goddess of all creation up to? The real question is... is she sincere in her words to Lucifer in the end about her efforts to save his life from his father, or is she only manipulating him to keep him from returning her to Hell? Just you wait and see! :) I do believe she is genuine in her love for her son, but just how much is she willing to hurt him in order to get what she wants for herself? As for what's going on with Amenadiel... I really love the change in his character this season, especially seeing him and Lucifer working together and being more on each other's sides. I also like the personal changes he's going through with his powers failing and now seeing his wings are wilted, or decaying even. The question is... why is this happening to him? The answers may just lie within Dr. Linda's words to him within this episode, which I really love and applaud her for. Amenadiel is another angel, who ever since the creation has believed himself to be far superior to humans. And while Lucifer is selfish for different and more heartbreaking reasons, Amenadiel is also very selfish in his own way as well. Because he has never had reason to care about how his actions would hurt humans upon seeing himself far above them. Therefore… he didn't care about how he has hurt Linda by lying to her, compromising her position as a therapist, using her for information about Lucifer, and then for betraying her. And all actions have consequences. Linda finally has called him out on it and states that karma will come back on him as a result of his actions. For the first time, Amenadiel feels incredibly guilty for hurting Linda because much to his surprise, he has actually come to care about Linda, as well as for Lucifer and Maze too. The Goddess, whom we can simply now refer to her as simply Charlotte, also makes a point to Maze about how Hell gives the damned what they deserved, and therefore Maze was never able to break her down in Hell because Charlotte didn't feel guilty about any of her actions. What all that implies will come about in later episodes, but it's possible these words might also have something to do with what's happening to Amenadiel as well. And I really love the hidden meanings behind these complex subjects. Also... when Lucifer is shown praying to Amenadiel to try to get his brother's attention, it appears that Amenadiel was able to hear Lucifer just fine, but was actually just ignoring him because Amenadiel was so busy being caught in trying to figure out what's happening to himself. I don't think his power to hear his brother's calls have been effected by what's happening to him. Now... I also like the humor Lucifer brings throughout this episode while he works so hard to try to prove that his mother is responsible for the deaths and crimes committed. But I love that he isn't so much trying to prove his mother's guilty for Chloe, but more so to protect himself from her. Lucifer can't risk falling for anymore of his mother's lies she might offer up to him in order to convince him not to send her back to Hell. And seeing their dynamic throughout this episode, his fear is absolutely understandable. I enjoy the overall case as Lucifer works with Chloe to solve the murders for their own reasons, resulting in them coming together once again in the end as they solve the case. It isn't the best case by any means, but it's still fun. Which then results in another of my favorite moments within this episode, and it's a very subtle moment that might be missed by most people who watch this episode for the first time. I really love seeing the big smile that comes to Lucifer's face while he observes Chloe as she cuffs their killer within the store parking lot, You can see that he admires Chloe very deeply. And while Charlotte might not understand right away what his smile means, seeing him smiling at Chloe appears to worry Charlotte in this moment, as she stares at her son and at Chloe worryingly and in confusion upon seeing how happy he is while he's looking at Chloe. Very subtle, but absolutely brilliant! And lastly... I love the scene in the beginning between Chloe, Lucifer, Dan, and Trixie as they argue over the situation with the doll, and how Chloe helps Lucifer to finally understand that her refusal to buy her daughter the doll doesn't mean she's abandoning her and that how giving a child everything they want isn't always best for the child. And I love how Chloe assures Lucifer that he can come to her to talk about his problems towards his parents any time too. Thank you so much, Liam!! I'm happy you're continuing to enjoy and love this phenomenal show. Like always, I can't wait for more Lucifer!! So, until then, my friend... Take care. Be safe and happy. :)