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So if someone can tell those who control life to stop making mine a misery this past week, that would be splendid. Anywho, there is a small delay to this coming week for Patreon and YT. My computer has been having issues and it decided to be faulty to the point where I need to install the OS all over again which should be fixed on Monday but that does impact my recording schedule. It shouldn’t be too much but I may only record one episode of Buffy this week, whilst I do need to post 5x06 too (which I was in the middle of rendering before my PC decided to nope it and AoT and Harry Potter will be delayed until next week)

Sorry to those who are impacted by this. Like I said it should only be a few days in terms of problems persisting but as a guy who likes to be busy, likes to make videos etc this is annoying and the icing on the cake to a terrible week where people have made me feel worthless, where I’ve been in pain so breaking down doesn’t sound like a bad idea atm because I need it. But I’ll let you guys be updated as the week pushes on. Take good care.


Katherine Thoreson

Don't worry, Liam. I'm sorry that you've had some people making things worse, but we understand that things don't always go according to plan. Just take a deep breath, do what you gotta do, and we'll still be here. You take good care of yourself. I'm sending you as many positive thoughts as I can.


Hey, Liam, I hope you can take a break and spend some time with self-care. Don't worry about us; we'll be here when it gets posted, not to worry. I am hoping things turn around for you today and you are able to enjoy something today!

Ryan Moore

"Sorry to those who are impacted by this." Buddy, the one who's been impacted by this is *you.* Please don't apologize for that. The Catterkru isn't going anywhere. You're worth the wait!

Sophie Gutschlag

Fun Fact: in German the word for spicy and sharp is both "scharf" meaning when I watched the movie for the first time, in German, I was quite confused haha I was like: okay spicy candy got it haha