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Angel 1x14.mp4

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One of my favorite episodes of season 1. So underrated

Ryan Moore

That kid is a disgrace to a noble first name.


I’m glad you loved this episode, Liam. I’ve had the impression that it’s an underrated Angel episode (for the entire series), but I’ve always liked many S1 episodes, for all their rough-around-the-edges charm. It’s a really creepy and effective episode that continues the world-building of AtS, where humans can be more evil than demons, and we're seeing more awareness of the demon world in L.A. than in Sunnydale (that nun was awesome, as was Angel’s nervousness in the church). It’s like a mashup of The Exorcist and The Omen but grounded in Buffyverse family melodrama. I like the contrast of patriarchs trying to protect their families, but feeling that they’ve failed (Angel and Seth) with patriarchs who completely failed their family (Wesley’s awful father). It’s a heartbreaking and revealing episode for Wesley, and I’m glad that they haven’t forgotten Doyle—hearing his voice was shattering. The good fight, yeah? “Soul. What soul?” That twist at the end was shocking, but there was an earlier hint with Cordelia noting the rash of animal deaths where the family lived previously. It seems like Ryan ticks many boxes of the psychopath test and a budding serial killer.