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Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

"I know you'd follow him to the grave" Ten years and that is still one of my favorite lines. I love this episode. Whenever i'm trying to get someone to watch AOS i encourage them to at least get to this ep. AOS is my all time favorite show and to date the only show i watched from the day the pilot aired to the day the final aired without missing a single ep or watching a single ep late. Still want to punch Ward in the face... repeatedly. I agree they could have done more with Hand, but understand the shock was needed.

Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

FUN FACT: I have met Brett Dalton at a convention twice and asked him about the Lorelai scene how he shot at May after the mind control wore of and if that was on purpose, but and he didn't have an answer for me, he wasn't sure. I also asked him about how in the lie detector scene he mentioned a sister and what did that mean, was he lying or did he actually have a sister and he had no idea. After that he asked me to ask a simpler question :)


For me, the moment when AoS fully solidified into something greater was 2 episodes after this. When Skye realized it was Ward... and was unequivocally repulsed, but played along. Too many other shows would've made the woman fall apart, or be torn with shippery feelings. That Skye pulled it together, acted smartly, while clearly done with him... just really impressed me. The Ward-Skye thing had seemed so prefabricated from the first episode... just match up the pretty people with no basis... I found it really underwhelming. But the turnabout made it next level brilliant. An indictment of those kind of typically generic pairings. That's when I realized that I had underestimated this show.