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Ashley Cruz

I understand Caroline for the things Damon did to her , but She wanted to be involved with him , did he take advantage yes .. but everyone has done their wrongs Caroline has no right to bash Elena for who she loves or wants to be with because she ACTUALLY is entertaining a man who KILLED Elena (Klaus) and her aunt & also ended up in John dying just to save Elena from the ritual . I love Caroline but if she’s gonna bash Elena then she should take a look in the mirror .


Considering her swoony moments for Klaus... Caroline is throwing stones at Elena & Damon from inside her splintering glass house. This kind of constant judgement is part of what kept Elena from following her true feelings at the end of S3. Becoming a vampire let her be honest with herself. I love Caroline... but excessively reproachful Caroline is my least favorite Caroline.


This reminds me of how A LOT of ppl hate Elena, bc of how selfish or hypocritical she can be. I agree she is hypocritical and selfish and lot. But who isn’t in this show! The way u just said that abt Caroline, applies to literally every single other character on this show. The one who truly is selfless for the most part is Bonnie.