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Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

I do love this ep so much. Everything about Piper and Chris means everything to me. So much happiness brought on by Chris calling Piper Mom for the first time.

Ed Green

Victor has spent a huge chunk of his life with his greatest fear being that his daughters will die because they're witches. He's already seen one of his daughters die because of it. Now to hear it may be due to happen again has to have a huge impact. What he tells Piper at the end, to spend time with her child while she can, that's personal experience talking. The Internet's favourite alternate solution to Rick seems to be Paige orbing away the shotgun. I do wonder if that could have made it go off. I think there's a line that can be drawn between 'punishing the guilty' and 'neutralising the threat'. Perhaps it can explained as 'they had to think quickly and killing was all they could come up with'. We'll see if there are consequences. I love Holly's expression in the very last split second of this episode. Classic Piper heartbreaking cry-face.