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With a full-time job work on the game has been steady. I've been adjusting towards having a full-time job and working on this project. My first couple of weeks I wouldn't even think of going on the computer, but now I find myself working more and more on workdays, something that seemed impossible when I first started the job. With steady work being done for the game, I can hopefully actually post updates instead of disappearing for several months.

I feel the game has gotten far enough that a demo could be made to get feedback on the situation. We’ve decided to make one more enemy (or should I say 3 variations of one enemy) before my animator spends the next month or two learning a better animating program (which is currently Photoshop). While that happens, I can spend more time towards releasing a demo for the game since the flow of animations will be slowed/stopped. The 3 enemies are vore focused and are based on an enemy idea I had back when I worked on raadd.

Unfortunately, not everything has been good. My previous background artist disappeared on me, and I haven’t been able to get in touch with him for several months, so it’s safe to say they left with my money at this point, which is bad considering I paid upfront. This whole hiring-people-to-work-on-a-game has been quite a learning experience and I’ve learned much about negotiating prices while making sure I don’t get left alone in the long run. I’ve also learned a bit about knowing who to trust. I’ve been able to find another background artist, who has already provided decently made assets for me that are in the game now.

I made a poll way back regarding hiring a CG artist to make the various game over pictures for the game. If anyone was curious, the winner was Zoelsters. I tried reaching back to them letting them know the results, but it seems that something else came up and they couldn’t contribute art anymore. Instead of just choosing second place, I went ahead and tried to find someone that had an art style like theirs, and I think I found someone. They are currently creating CG for one of the game overs right now, which will hopefully be finished next week.

Songs are being made for the game as well. We are aiming for a dynamic music system, where the music changes according to which character you're playing as. Here's a small sample of what we have so far for the first area. (This is a WIP that is not complete)


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