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Alright, we've all spent 80 pages and approximately 30,000 excessive words in the IdeesVerse, so lets see the memes!

If you've been here before you know the drill. If not, post a link to your image in the comments, then come back to vote on your favorites. The one with the most likes, as well as a judge's favorite, will win some sort of prize that we've yet to determine.

Enjoy the above new format, which is Conor's mom and his nephew Henry.



Erin M

Finally, realtors are grasping the prospective home buyer's need for a murder room or five. https://flic.kr/p/2mJqpQj

Joel Page

The adventure game: http://turndapage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Irene-Point-and-Click.png