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 A jam-packed episode made all the more thrilling because Mike's computer crashed twice while making it. Was it ensorcelled by a HardDriveHeron with CrashCharms? We may never know.

What else? Pretty straightforward, nothing really stands out -- Oh, wait: Willow becomes a floor. I think that's pretty self-explanatory.


Mike Truman

I've decided I don't want this book in my house for the holidays. So I manned up and decided to barrel straight to the end of the book... The horror. The horror.

Heather Crocetto

Still working through this episode, and for those who were confused, Anakerie had a twin, and for their last birthday before the Cataclysm, the twin gave her that silver hairclip. Why that makes Thorn want to revive the Demon's child, I don't know. And I can't believe I actually strung those particular words together.

Mike Truman

I would guess the twin will play some future role...but possibly not in this book.