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Conor and I have been friends and colleagues now for longer than I think he would care to remember and I'm nearly positive that one of my many, many eccentricities that he pretends to put up with is my annoyance with Daylight Saving Time. (If you say "Daylight Savings Time" and someone corrects you, you have my permission to key their car).

The fact that a bunch of adults who should know better force an entire country of free people to pretend it's a different time than we all know it is strikes me as weird.

But, look: I almost always assume that I'm the weird one and it's never let me down.

So weigh in: DST. Yes or no?


Christopher Dazey

There is a movement to do away with all time zones altogether and just have it be one uniform, global time starting at the International date line. It would be much easier for travel and to know when things are happening, but it would make all of us adjust what times we're used to it being day and night at. So it might be daytime for you at 22:15 hours and nighttime for me at 09:37 hours. An interesting idea. I can see myself getting used to it, but I think most people would freak out.

Theodore Lehman

I think that'd be a heck of a hassle. For one thing, we'd all have to be on 24-hour time, so all 12-hour clocks would immediately become obsolete.