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Conor here, I am pleased to report that immediately following Mike and I recording yesterday, I opened my front door and TWO packages had arrived. One, obviously contained the book Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff, which I ordered in Used - Very Good condition. What I was not expecting was for it to be signed by the author himself:

This will clearly just add to the enjoyment of jotting "DSOTW" and "!!!!!!!!!!" in the margins in red ink. Please let us know if anyone else bought a cut rate used copy that turned out to be signed (Mike's was not.)

But enough about that, let's talk about what you're all here for: the grind of the new peppermill in relation to the old one.

Seen here are the different grinds. Note the large, intact chunks of peppercorn in the old peppermill on the left. And note the powdery, fine grind directly to its right, achieved after I read the instructions and learned how to dial it in. (Progress moves from right to left, in a natural, easy to read, I-didn't-think-this-thru, manner)

Here are the two purchases depicted in happy harmony

Anyone else upgraded a spice grinding implement lately? Anyone have a preferred level of pepper consistency? Anyone else use Sean Penn's novel as a coaster? Sound off in the comments!


Jessica Jolly

Well, I've ordered the book. However, I love Tom Robbins, Hunter S. Thompson, and I am a huge Billy Bragg fan so I am a little concerned that I might love this book.

Jennifer Tomich

Wtf are you making me read? Also, you’re ruining the recommended books on my library account.