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Hey folks! Just wanted to chime in and give an update on what's been going on for "Hydra". Hydra is the next major update for LegendKeeper, which introduces offline support, better realtime collaboration, and better performance overall.

We've had dozens of community members graciously volunteer to bang on a preview build of the Hydra update. While Hydra is now feature complete (and has a desktop app, woo!), community efforts and some stress-testing have revealed a few shortcomings I need to address before launch. 

I'm using the feedback and data I've gathered from testing to re-work some things, and as such, this adds probably another week or so of work to my to-do list. I appreciate everyone's patience; I know this has been a long update cycle. The parts that aren't up to snuff are central parts of the app, so I think it's important to get them right. This foundation should ensure LegendKeeper is an app you can use for years and years without any issues.

Thank you again for your support! I wouldnt' be able to focus hardcore on the user experience without your faith in me, and for that you have my sincerest gratitude! In the meantime, the current version of LegendKeeper available now is trucking along just fine, and everything you create will be compatible with Hydra once it's out.

And a big thanks to the testers (beta of a beta testers?) who are helping me ensure LK is the best worldbuilding app it can be :D

As always, let me know if you have any questions!



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