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I have played through a few scenes over the years where the party has to talk their way into a castle of through city gates, and so I thought it would make sense to paint a scene here. Bored guards can always be looking to take advantage of a weak looking party member or two, and so it's usually a fun time for the party to show that they're not the characters to mess with.

I think I will also paint more of a 'town gate' scene next month that is a wooden palisade, for a similar situation. 

Lemme know what you think of this one and when the last time your party had a run in with some city guards.




Love this idea of sweet talking our way in … though it didn’t work IRL this week when the long arm of the law reached out to issue a speeding fine .. couldn’t sweet talk out of that one

Sheard Goodwin

I really like this. I have to find a way to drop it into my next campaign. Good work. Last time I played a game and was in this situation I bribed my way past the guard with a fair amount of contraband. Or, as I explained to our Paladin, I jumped the line by providing a more than fair estimate of our goods and relevant tax bill (skipping inspection), and then adding on a bit more for the city so we could skip the line. It's not really on me if the guard keeps some for himself. Now that's larcenous, and I would not stand for it.

Oliver Closoff

You seriously make some of the best fantasy art I've seen! Perfect scale, nothing too extravagant or over the top, perfect for games.